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Consider Whether an Expert is Necessary for Your Family Law Case

In “My Cousin Vinny,” arguably one of the best movies of all time, the character Mona Lisa Vito, played by Marisa Tomei, testifies as an automotive expert in a criminal case and provides an opinion about an automotive issue (positraction) that wins the case and results in the acquittal of two young men charged with…


The Dangers of Asking for Too Much in a Child Custody Case

No one goes into a child custody case expecting to lose. Unfortunately, many people do exactly that by asking for too much in their initial pleadings. If you’re considering divorce and have children, or even if you’re considering a modification to a current child custody order, it’s important to remember that the decisions you make…


How to Find an Attorney – Regardless of Your Budget

I am sometimes called into situations where clients have hired other attorneys and aren’t happy with their services (or bills).  I mean, I’ve heard some loud complaints. Another scenario I’ve encountered: the client comes to me with an employment-related agreement that lacks basic terms (hopelessly vague) or isn’t enforceable. So it becomes obvious to me…


OK at Work: Morality Clauses in the Workplace

This week on OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the use of morality clauses in commercial and employment agreements. A morality clause is a contract provision that allows a contracting party, often a company, to terminate an agreement or take action should the other party engage in behavior that may negatively impact…


Read & Share: How Do Big Tech Giants Make Their Billions?

How Do Big Tech Giants Make Their Billions?   In 2021, the Big Five tech giants—Apple, Amazon, Google (Alphabet), Meta, and Microsoft—generated a combined $1.4 trillion in revenue. What are the sources of this revenue, and how does it break down? Below, we’ll dive into the main ways that these big tech giants generate revenue and take…


Saturday Side Hustle: Copyright for Creators

If you are a songwriter, or really a creator of just about any kind of artistic content, you should understand something about copyright. The bar is pretty low: In the United States, if you have an original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, you have a copyright in that work. For…


May Your Business Require Employees Not to Mask?

As more and more businesses mandate that workers return to the workplace, management is wondering about masking requirements. Some business owners feel strongly that they don’t want to require their employees to wear masks. Others do not want to create the impression that the location isn’t safe for customers and feel that this might be…


The Dangers of Divorcing a Day-Trader: How to Protect Yourself Financially

If you are married to a day-trader, it is important to understand the potential dangers of a divorce. A day-trader’s income can be extremely volatile, and this can create a lot of financial stress in a marriage. There will be times when your spouse makes a lot of money, and there will be times when…


NOW WHAT? The Future of the Small Business Bankruptcy Act

We have all seen and heard of the mega-bankruptcy cases in the news, whether for reasonable economic causes (Forever 21, JC Penneys, GNC) or for attempted strategic advantage (J&J Talc Litigation; Boys Scouts Sexual Abuse claims, or various Religious Dioceses). The costs and expense to the business entities seeking federal bankruptcy protection has become astronomical….


Subchapter V Corner – Are Subchapter V Business Debtors at Risk to Fight Non-Dischargeability Creditor Complaints?

An interesting issue is percolating in the Fourth Circuit right now. This issue is whether, in a Subchapter V case, a creditor may successfully object to the dischargeability of certain debts of a non-individual debtor (as opposed to an individual debtor). The debts in question are the debts described in Section 523 of the Bankruptcy Code. Section 523…