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OK At Work: OSHA Guidance – COVID Policies

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantOn this week’s episode of OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss the new OSHA guidance recommending certain COVID-19 precautions in the workplace. While this is only a guidance for now, it is possible that these or similar guidelines could be made mandatory….


Federal Law Prohibits Landlord-Mandated COVID-19 Testing, Quarantining

The Fair Housing Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq. (the “FHA” or “Act”), prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. The FHA is relevant in addressing concerns related to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 and


Arbitration vs. Litigation

The main difference between arbitration and litigation is that litigation requires Court involvement and arbitration does not. Litigation is a process that requires a decision be made by a Judge or a jury. In most jurisdictions, matters are determined by a Judge rather than a jury. The primary downside of litigation is the limitations that…


Read & Share: The Crazy World of Stonks Explained

  You may have seen diamond hands, rockets, and r/wallstreetbets rallying cries in the past few weeks—but what does it all mean? In this graphic we explain the events that led to an explosive rise in GameStop’s share price, along with the Reddit revolution fueling it. Gamestop’s stock has been on a wild roller coaster…


Eight Business Development Tips for Business Owners

Business development is a necessary component of every successful business. If you are having a difficult time networking and prospecting, this list of tips is for you. Here are my top 8 business development tips for business owners: 1. Prioritize your efforts. When it comes to business development, you need to be strategic. Your time…


Collective Bargaining: A Game Changer in Public Education

“The importance of a good education.” It’s a statement that’s about as apolitical as it gets…a proclamation even the deepest of reds and the darkest of blues can agree upon. Teachers are the lifeblood of our society. But in many ways they’ve been underappreciated and underpaid, undervalued, and often left without a strong voice to…


LawThought Short: A Complaint Has Been Filed, Now What?

Welcome to Offit Kurman’s new video series. Law Thought Short consists of relevant and thoughtful employment advice and litigation tips. On this week’s episode, we’re joined by Offit Kurman commercial litigation attorney, Ian Thomas, where the conversation regarding demand letters continues, and what you should do after a complaint has been filed. Ian walks through…


OK At Work: Diversity Training Update

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss President Biden’s executive order that reverses certain restrictions that the prior administration had placed on the content of harassment, diversity, and inclusion training for federal workers and federal contractors.  Sarah and Russell also discuss generally why all employers should conduct harassment…


Employer Mandated Vaccines: Who Pays for What

As discussed in my last post on the issue of vaccines, the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission since confirmed that employers can mandate vaccinations. As companies begin to assess their vaccination policies, it is important to keep in mind the seemingly ancillary issues that go along with such policies. Once a company determines its position on…


Read & Share: The 50 Most Visited Websites In the World

If you spend any time online, it’s likely you’re familiar with some of the world’s most visited websites. On today’s internet, a handful of giants have unmatched dominance. Top Three Websites (Monthly visits): Google: 92.5 billion YouTube: 34.6 billion Facebook: 25.5 billion Together, the top three websites rake in 152 billion visits monthly, outpacing the next 47…