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OK at Work: Considerations for the New Normal

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantOn this week’s OK at Work episode, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss considerations for the “new” COVID-19 normal as more vaccinations become available, states are relaxing restrictions, and businesses look to return workers to the workplace. While there is still a ways to go,…


Why do we do the things we do?

Why do we do the things we do? “If you don’t play to win don’t play at all” – Seven-time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady     Why do we do the things we do?  Do we have purpose in our business?  I have to believe that entrepreneurs operating business play to win (have success,…


Seeking a More Diverse Workforce in 2021? Revise Your Criminal Background Check Policy

You may be yelling “welcome” out your company’s windows, but inadvertently locking the doors. Most mid-sized to large companies now have some type of diversity and inclusion initiative. And, they can be very impactful to help companies realize areas for improvement to achieve a more diverse workforce. However, one often overlooked area is a company’s…


Read & Share: All Vaccines Are Not Created Equal in the Eyes of the Public

As countries continue the push to inoculate their populations against Covid-19, problems with vaccine hesitancy are emerging to varying degrees. While this is not a new phenomenon, having a variety of vaccines available has led to some being viewed more favorably than others. A recent YouGov survey showed that up to a quarter of people say they would not…


Employers Required to Provide More Healthcare Coverage: What to Know

On March 6, 2021, the U.S. Senate passed the American Rescue Plan Act (the “Act”), totaling $1.9 trillion. Many important updates for employers are contained in the Act – including a change of how terminated employees receive continuing healthcare coverage consistent with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Typically, employers must offer COBRA coverage…


Handbooks: Friend or Foe of the Business Owner?

Often, my initial contact with clients results from something going wrong or an issue with an employee. As part of discussing and remedying the problem at hand, one of my first requests is to see the company’s policy on the matter. In response, I am frequently met with a hesitance level that indicates either they…


American Rescue Plan Signed Into Law

On March 11, 2021 President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 . Check out my previous blogs to see what the Rescue Plan Act says regarding COVID Paid Sick Leave and Emergency Family Paid Leave. Employers should know for the purposes of the provisions on leave, the Act is effective March 31,…


The American Rescue Plan Expands Paid Family Leave

On March 6, 2021, the Senate passed an amended American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The amended bill will now go back to the House of Representatives for a vote, before heading to President Biden for signature where it will become law. The American Rescue Plan covers a wide range of areas. This blog focuses…


Alternatives to Vaccine Mandates for Auto Dealerships

The COVID-19 vaccine is finally here. For many auto dealerships, being able to advertise a workforce that is fully COVID-19 vaccinated could certainly be a competitive advantage. However, there are complications embedded in rolling out a mandatory vaccine policy. In many states, just navigating when the vaccine is going to be available to the general…


Women of Achievement – Women’s History Month

A few years ago, a Committee headed by Frances Hughes Glendening, the then-wife of Governor Glendening, published a book, highlighting the achievements of women of Prince George’s County. It was a well-documented compendium of women who had had significant influence in the community from the very earliest of years. I, who had been practicing in…