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North Carolina Appellate Court Renders More Opinions Extinguishing Restrictive Covenants More Than 30 Years Old

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantWe blogged about C Investments 2 v. Auger, a potentially impactful case for older communities, two weeks ago.  The North Carolina Court of Appeals issued unpublished opinion (i.e. they are not binding on courts) in two companion cases to Auger, Postal v. Kayser and Williams…


OK at Work: Safety in the Workplace

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss safety in the workplace. With today’s workforce beginning their migration back to the offices, there are increased opportunities for safety concerns for employers. As tensions rise from the return, employers are looking to understand the liabilities that they face and the…


COBRA Premium Assistance Requirements for Exempt Employers

On April 7, 2021, the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued guidance interpreting the premium assistance requirements for employers providing group health plan continuation coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended (“COBRA”). On May 18, 2021, Treasury and the IRS published Notice 2021-31 containing interpretive tax guidance for COBRA…


Read & Share: How Workplace Culture Enables Investment Firms to Do Better

view full size image here   In today’s highly competitive business environment, workplace culture is becoming increasingly recognized as a source of competitive advantage. What does this mean for the investment industry, and how can asset managers use it to improve performance? To find out, this infographic from Wells Fargo Asset Management explores the elements of a healthy culture,…


This Week in Real Estate: Commercial Leases — Net Leases

This Week in Real Estate continues its current series on Leases. This week, we’ll remain focused on commercial leasing and discuss the different types of net commercial leases.     The net lease is a highly adjustable commercial real estate lease. The base rent for a net lease is fixed (typically with an escalation which is…


Setting A Price For A Minority Ownership Interest

A client contacted me about a business acquisition she was considering.  The company had a value of $10 million and had two owners: one owned 80% of the company and the other owned the remaining 20%.  My client was being offered the 20% owned by the second owner.  The math seemed simple.  20% of a…


Delaware’s Contractor Registration Act – 19 DEL. C. CHAPTER 36

EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2021 After a lengthy delay caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Delaware Contractor Registry will “go live” on July 1, 2021.  Any Contractor who performs construction or maintenance services in Delaware must be registered before performing those services.  If the services include work on any public project, the registration must be completed…


The Weekly Scenario: Estate Planning in 2021

What may be the best word to describe estate planning in 2021? I submit ‘uncertainty’.  This year may be the year to account for potential changing circumstances. The typical estate plan for a married couple leaves all property to the other.  In the case of retirement plan benefits, the spouse is named as the primary…


OK at Work: Managing Remote Workplace Policies and Culture

On this week’s episode of OK at Work,  Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss how finding ways to engage, train and manage remote workers is paramount in today’s workplace. It can be easier for employment issues to go unnoticed or remain unresolved in a remote work environment, making remote work policies and thoughtful management of…


Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission Issues Updated Guidance Regarding The Production And Sale Of Edible Cannabis Products

On May 6, 2021, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (“MMCC”) issued Bulletin 2021–006 providing revised rules and requirements for the manufacture and sale of edible cannabis products. The May 6, 2021 Bulletin revised and amended the MMCC’s April 9, 2021 Bulletin on the same subject.  The revised Bulletin includes updated packaging and labeling requirements and…