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Philadelphia Commuter Benefits Ordinance

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantLast week, Philadelphia’s City Council passed a new ordinance requiring employers to provide employees with the opportunity for pre-tax commuter benefits. The bill is now awaiting Mayor Kenney’s signature and once signed, shall go into effect on December 31, 2022. Who is Covered? Covered Employers…


Read Delete: Mapping the Migration of the World’s Millionaires

You spoke, I listened. Read Delete is back. Mapping the Migration of the World’s Millionaires   Throughout 2022, a projected 88,000 millionaires will move to a new country, according to the latest Henley Global Citizens Report. Which countries are these millionaires moving to, and where in the world are they coming from? This graphic maps the migration of…


Should a business include an arbitration clause in its Employee Handbook?

Over the past decades, more employers have implemented arbitration agreements for their employees. The practical effect of this is that employees who have claims against their employers are required to bring those claims in arbitration, as opposed to court. Arbitration provides a private forum and other benefits that companies often prefer. Employers may conclude that…


North Carolina Enacts Pass – Through Entity Tax

Recently the North Carolina General Assembly changed the law to permit pass-through entities (partnerships and s-corporations) to pay entity-level tax, thereby joining a majority of states (29 at last count) in doing so. The change is effective for tax years beginning January 1, 2022. As with most states, paying tax at the entity level is…


Divorce and Cryptocurrency: How the New Currency is Affecting Property Settlements

As if the divorce process wasn’t downright messy and complicated enough, our high-tech modern world has decided to invent a brand-new type of asset for divorcing couples to fight over –cryptocurrency. What is Cryptocurrency? Simply put, cryptocurrency is a type of digital asset that uses cryptography to secure its transactions and control the creation of…


Alienation of Affections and Criminal Conversation

Your marriage comes to an end due to your spouse’s infidelity. You are aware of and are pursuing your claims for support against your unfaithful spouse. Is there legal recourse that you, as the “innocent spouse,” have against the paramour/ third party of the extramarital affair? As of the present, the answer is “yes.” North…


Negotiate Your Physician Employment Termination Clause Before You Sign Your Employment Agreement

  Physicians entering employment agreements with hospitals aren’t thinking about the end – but they should be. Failure to negotiate payback provisions as well as restrictive covenants in an employment agreement can have severe financial impacts at separation. Consider the following scenario. Situation:  A physician enters into an employment contract with a hospital that provides…


Reputation Management During High-Profile Divorces: How to Protect Your Good Name

No one ever expects their divorce to become a high-profile media circus, but for celebrities and other high-profile individuals, it can happen all too easily. When divorce proceedings become public knowledge, every little detail is scrutinized by the press and in the court of public opinion. If you are going through a high-profile divorce, it…


OK at Work: How to Help Your Growing Business

This week on OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the best ways for business owners to leverage the law and legal strategies to help grow their business while getting the most value out of legal counsel. Listen to learn more.


Read & Share: Inflation Projections and the War in Ukraine

Inflation Projections and the War in Ukraine   In addition to the humanitarian catastrophe, the war in Ukraine has also triggered an inflation crisis that is affecting people all over the world. As this infographic based on the latest OECD Economic Outlook shows, the impact of rising consumer prices is being especially felt in Europe and countries neighboring Ukraine. For Lithuania, OECD…