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Thriving During Your Divorce: Strategies for a Successful Outcome in 2023

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantIf you’re considering divorce in South Carolina, you’re likely feeling a range of emotions – from sadness and anger to relief and hope. No matter what you’re feeling, it’s important to remember that you can thrive during this difficult time. With the right strategies in…


OK at Work: Consequences of Misclassifying Employees

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the consequences of misclassifying non-exempt employees as exempt, especially when several employees share the same role. The costs for failing to pay overtime due to misclassification can add up fast, especially when misclassified workers can form a class and perpetuate a collective action…


Excuse Me, Are Those Golden Eggs?

Excuse Me, Are Those Golden Eggs?   While Americans have gotten used to sticker shock over the past year as prices for food, gas, and other everyday items surged, many did a double take when buying a couple of eggs lately. The average price for a dozen Grade A large eggs reached $4.25 last month,…


The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022 and Software Protections

Getting a utility patent on your software can be very valuable because it provides a competitive advantage for a relatively long duration, given the speed at which technology develops and the industry evolves. But software is not always eligible for patent protection. And by its nature, the software is typically developed and made available across…


Five Things That You Need to be Prepared for on Your Initial Consultation with Your Attorney

“I want a divorce!”  One day, without warning, your spouse drops this bomb on you. You had no idea that your spouse wanted to break up the marriage. What should you do? Retain independent legal counsel You are at a crossroads in your relationship. Your marriage has become adversarial by virtue of your spouse’s decision…


Sustainability Remains a Priority in the Luxury Goods and Fashion Industry

At the end of 2022, Deloitte released its Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2022 report, opining that sustainability efforts in the luxury goods and fashion industry are impactful and here to stay. The report intimates that luxury players are rapidly adapting to global changes in sustainability, digitalization, and consumption patterns – and doing so while…


How to Organize Financial Documents During Your Divorce

The divorce process can be overwhelming and complicated, especially when considering the sheer amount of paperwork necessary to be completed and submitted at the various stages of the process in most jurisdictions. Staying organized is a critical part of ensuring that you get your fair share of assets and enjoy the benefits of your parental…


New Harvard Wage Study Shows Employers Are Inflating Titles to Illegally Dodge Overtime

I am constantly reminded of employers’ mistakes in determining that their workers are exempt from overtime payments under the Fair Labor Standards Act. I recently came across a report of a new study from researchers at Harvard Business School and the University of Texas at Dallas. This study, covering 2011 – 2018, examined “title inflation,”…


Recruitment Software and Discrimination: Three Things to Know

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a mainstay of everyday life – for everything from texting (Autocorrect) to ordering food from a favorite app. For many Human Resources professionals, AI is an important component of the recruitment process, providing the ability to scan and sort/omit thousands of resumes without extensive labor. However, the Equal Employment Opportunity…


OK at Work: Employers’ Obligations to Prevent Sexual Harassment

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss employers’ obligations to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, whether that harassment comes from other employees, or third parties not employed by the company. Though it can be challenging for companies to take action when a key vendor or client is the source…