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What Non-U.S. Companies or Owners May Be Covered by the Corporate Transparency Act, and What Should They Do?

This is an alert to businesses outside the U.S. and their lawyers about the U.S. Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)[1]. (The CTA also covers U.S. businesses and business owners.) The Act requires companies to file information about their beneficial owners with U.S. regulators.[2] A great deal has been written about the CTA. Still,  many potentially affected…


The Current Approach to Adoption Records and Further Need for Change

New Jersey’s Current Policy New Jersey allows an adoptee access to only certain specific records and restricts who can view these records and what kinds of information may be redacted. In May 2014, the New Jersey State Legislature passed a law permitting individuals born and/or adopted in the State of New Jersey, who are at…


Key Insights from May: Summer Vacation Planning for Divorced Families and Beyond

As the month of May comes to a close, I want to reflect on the wisdom contained within the blog posts this month. May, a month marked by the end of the school year, the approaching summer break, and the celebration of mothers, brings its own challenges and opportunities for families, particularly those dealing with…


OK at Work: Developing Policies Around Generative AI

As technology revolutionizes the corporate world, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in daily office operations. Generative AI, in particular, allows businesses to streamline their processes, from automatic report generation to predictive analytics. However, adopting generative AI also comes with potential concerns, especially regarding how employees use it to perform their essential tasks. On…


Unlock the Secret to Stress-Free Summer Vacation Planning Despite Divorce!

Has the thought of planning your summer vacation made you feel like you’re trying to untangle a knotted ball of twine? You’re divorced, or going through a divorce, and since you’ve got kids in the picture, the task seems even more daunting than ever before. But what if I told you that, despite the bumps…


Dealing with Jerks? Three Takeaways on Harassment Claims.

Dealing with unpleasant people can be very frustrating. Instead of extending common courtesies, they seem to thrive on making things difficult. However, there are some interactions that go beyond the typical “annoyance” and into what can feel like harassment. Such situations can be very stressful and create adverse impacts on an individual’s physical and mental…


Operating Agreements: The Power of the Partnership Representative

Recently, a colleague asked me to review an operating agreement (not one that my colleague had drafted) from a tax standpoint. The LLC was classified as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Setting aside the tortured regulatory allocations (it was a service partnership, distributions were pro rata, and there was no 704(c) property (property…


Special Care with Special Needs Trusts (SNTs): Providing Security and Care for our Disabled Loved Ones

I was inspired to write about Special Needs Trusts (SNTs), a legal tool that can provide security and care for our disabled loved ones, as I was waiting to cross Madison Avenue. I stood beside a woman in a wheelchair as the traffic whizzed by, impatient pedestrians hovered and huffed to move around her chair…


The High Stakes of Summer: Secure Your Child’s Future by Hiring the Right Child Custody Attorney for Your Custody Modification Case

A fork in the road. An unfamiliar horizon. A moment that demands a decision – a decision that will reverberate through the years, shaping your child’s future. This is the crossroads where you find yourself as soon as you decide to pursue a child custody modification case in South Carolina. And it’s exactly at this…


OK at Work: Discrimination in Various Forms

Discrimination can come in different forms, and often, it’s not just about skin color, gender, or religion. Height and weight discrimination is receiving attention in New York City, where the City Council has passed a bill prohibiting such workplace discrimination. On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger take a closer look…