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Proving “Lost Profits” Damages | Part 3

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant So far, I have talked about profits lost as “consequential” and “general” damages. If you are just joining in, take a look at part one and part two here. Lost Profits as “General” Damages Although “lost profits” that are consequential damages are often difficult…


Thinking About Hiding Money From The IRS In Offshore Bank Accounts? Don’t Go There!

The US Department of Justice this week announced that a US resident faces three years in prison and fines after pleading guilty to hiding $2.4 million in offshore bank accounts. US citizens and permanent legal residents are required to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) disclosing any account or financial interest…


New Marijuana Laws Blitz Old Workplace Rules

New Marijuana Laws Blitz Old Workplace Rules Print Article | Download Article October 2018 – As seen in   In the good old days, say five years ago, you knew you could fire your pothead employees. The rules were simple. You adopted a strict “No Drugs” policy, required drug testing and then booted all of the stoners…


Contract Roulette: The Top Five Agreements That Get Businesspeople In Trouble

Contract Roulette: The Top Five Agreements That Get Businesspeople In Trouble Print Article | Download Article October 2018 – As seen in You can do a lot of damage with a signature. You can go broke. It’s scary how many entrepreneurs play contract roulette. They sign a terrible agreement. Nothing bad happens. So they just keep…


Survivor: The Noncompete Challenge

Survivor: The Noncompete Challenge Print Article | Download Article October 2018 – As seen in In the long-running reality show, Survivor, you face constant challenges to stay in the game. It’s like that in the business world, too. But nowadays, your local elected official is the one forcing you to eat grubs or go home. Massachusetts…


Executive Alliance

800 women gathered, yes, I said 800, on Tuesday for the Executive Alliance 25th Annual Women of Excellence dinner at Martin’s West. Beth Comstock, former vice chair and chief marketing officer of General Electric, and author of “Imagine It Forward:  Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change,” shared the story of her 25- year effort…


The Weekly Scenario: What Is An Incentive Trust?

Question: What is an incentive trust? Answer: Incentive trusts are in large part what they sound like; namely, trusts that give beneficiaries an incentive to act, or not act, in a particular way. I find that interest in these types of trusts, in general, arise from people who want to ensure the well being of a…


Read Delete: Bureaucracy Busters

The World Bank has released its annual report ranking the best places to do business. New Zealand remained at the top this year after making it cheaper to set up a company. The U.K. fell on the list after negotiating an exit from the European Union. The rankings were assessed based on the ease and…


Saturday Side Hustle: Structuring Your Food Business – Part 3

If you’re just joining us, read part one and part two here. Lawyers are conditioned from shortly after the time they begin law school to start thinking in terms of contingencies: i.e., what might happen in the future, and what to do about it if it does. We were all put on the spot and…


Offit Kurman Names Four New Practice Group Leaders

Offit Kurman Names Four New Practice Group Leaders   Offit Kurman is pleased to announce the appointment of four new Practice Group Leaders tasked with providing legal leadership, management, marketing, and client satisfaction strategies within their respective practice groups. The firm has selected William “Billy” Cannon (Landlord Representation), Ted Semaya (Commercial Litigation North), and Greg…