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Months Into 2019, Even More Jurisdictions Are Banning Salary History Disclosures

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant“How much did you make at your previous job?” In an increasing number of states, that question is no longer a typical line in an employment interview, but seen as evidence of discriminatory hiring and compensation practices. In recent years, many state legislatures have argued…


Tips for Addressing Employee Illness and Disability

The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) of 1990, Virginians with Disabilities Act (“VDA”), and Virginia Human Rights Act (“VHRA”) place affirmative obligations on employers when addressing disabilities. The following should be kept in mind for employers who have disabled or ill employees.  The ADA applies to employers with fifteen (15) or more employees while the…


Do You Represent Men or Women?

People often ask me whether I represent men or women in my divorce cases.  While there are firms out there that advertise that they protect “men’s rights” or use similar gender-based marketing, most family lawyers do not take clients based on whether they are a man or a woman.  It does not serve either the attorney or the client to decide whether to create an attorney-client relationship based on gender.  More important is whether a particular client will be best-served by a particular attorney. 


The Lincoln College of Technology presented its quarterly award for excellence to Howard Chamber Director of Membership Ronny Nadiv

The Lincoln College of Technology presented its quarterly award for excellence to Howard Chamber Director of Membership Ronny Nadiv. Ronny was recognized as being instrumental to the institute in connection with its Ribbon Cutting, and his skills at connecting the institute to other chamber members. Chamber President, Leonardo McClarty, Board Members Milton Matthews (CA) and…


10 Tax Tips & Traps for Non-Residents with a Presence in Canada

For international businesses, cross-border investments and transactions can bring numerous uncertainties, not least of which are potential tax liabilities. My clients regularly contact me with concerns about these matters, raising questions about topics such as thin capitalization and back to back loan rules, sending employees overseas, selling real estate, repatriation of funds, and more.


Lactation Break Laws on the Rise

Passage of lactation laws is a national trend among states and municipalities. In general, the laws provide that employers will provide a reasonable amount of break time to accommodate a female employee’s need to express breast milk for the employee’s infant child up to a certain age. Many of these laws require that the employer…


Read Delete: Assets & Debt Across Three Generations

Analyzing data from the Federal Reserve, the above infographic illustrates the difference in debt and assets between Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers. Taking into consideration aggregate assets each generation holds, such as home equity, other financial assets like stocks, business assets, equity in a vehicle and real estate, the total debt each generation has is categorized in red…


The Weekly Scenario: Requesting A Company to Turn Over A Decendant’s Photos in Digital Accounts

Question:  Can an executor request a company (e.g., Apple) to turn over a decedent’s photographs stored in his digital accounts (e.g., iTunes and I Cloud)? Answer:  If there is no provision in the decedent’s Will specifically authorizing the executor to access the decedent’s digital account (and sometimes despite such a provision), the default rule is generally…


Saturday Side Hustle: What Does ‘Natural’ Actually Mean?

Picking up from last week, “organic” and “natural” are not the same thing, although there may not be much space outside the overlapping portion of the Venn diagram in most consumers’ minds. As I mentioned also last week, the FDA has been looking for a definition for “natural” for a few years now, and in…


Word to the Wise: Pennsylvania No-Hire Agreement Found Unenforceable

Last month we discussed national trends in non-compete law nationwide. One of the issues covered were “no poach” (a/k/a “no hire”) agreements. As a reminder: this is an agreement between two companies not to hire each other’s employees for a certain period of time. The last several years have seen increased scrutiny from the Department of…