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Friday Factoid Quiz: St. Patrick’s Day

On March 17th, we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with parades and green beer. Although this day was originally celebrated as a religious holiday, it has become a day to honor Irish history and culture. To mark the occasion, test your knowledge of these Irish-related intellectual property facts.


Is THAT Legal – Public Fountain Edition

“Is THAT Legal?” shines a light on not-so-obvious statutory and/or regulatory laws, the existence of which you might find surprising. This serves to remind that consulting a knowledgeable legal advisor before acting might just help you avoid breaking a law you didn’t even know existed! Test your knowledge with this short quiz today!


Quick Thoughts on Bankruptcy and Divorce

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantSomeone not famous said that: “The word ‘Bankruptcy’ is a lot like the word ‘War/ You think you know what it means until you experience it.” Now add in divorce law, and you have your first topic from the Creditors Rights/Bankruptcy Group. Let’s start with…


Avoiding the Pitfalls of Personality Testing When Hiring and Promoting Employees

Employers that use personality tests and other selection procedures to make hiring and promotion decisions face potential claims that their procedures are discriminatory. Thus, each employer should attempt to avoid legal pitfalls before rolling out such testing. In recent years, employers increasingly have turned to recruitment tests to help them evaluate new hires and make…


The Weekly Scenario: What Is A Trust Protector?

Question:  What is a Trust Protector?


Read Delete: “The Times They Are A-Changin'”

  Making music available in the palm of your hand with streaming applications such as Spotify and Apple Music have changed the way we listen to music. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sites that streaming, both ad-supported and subscription-based, accounted for 75 percent of music industry revenues in the U.S. last year. However, this isn’t the…


Southern District of New York Holds That A Helicopter Can Be a Single Unit Under COGSA and that A Shipper Has Only $500 liability; Description in Bill of Lading Was Decisive

Bristow US LLC v. Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics AS, 18-cv-3504 February 28, 2019 The Southern District of New York recently confirmed that a helicopter can constitute a single customary freight unit (“CFU”) or “package” under the United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (“COGSA”), 46 U.S.C. §30701, which limits the liability for shippers to $500 per…


Maryland’s Proposed $15 Minimum Wage Increase Looks Likely to Pass, with Amendments

Following recent developments in the Maryland General Assembly, a bill that would increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour appears likely to soon become the law. Yesterday, the bill passed a State Senate Committee vote. The news follows closely on the heels of the bill’s passage in the Maryland House of Delegates late…


Saturday Side Hustle: Beer Labels

Since we’ve been talking about the perils of food labeling over the last few installments of the Saturday Side Hustle, I’ll make a beer advertising observation that is relevant: Bud Light recently became the first American beer with a nutritional panel on its packaging. I have often wondered why beer doesn’t have to be labeled the…


Friday Factoid Quiz: Alexander Graham Bell

On March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born.  This Scottish born inventor is credited with creating and patenting the first telephone, and Bell also founded AT&T in 1885.  To honor this pioneer in the field of communications technology and business, test your knowledge on these intellectual property-related facts pertaining to telephones and the communications industry.