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The Monday Morning Minute: What to do when a tenant says he/she has “multiple chemical sensitivity” 

Access to Rental Housing on a fair and equal basis is a right – and it’s the law. As a property owner, management agent or if you make your living from residential real estate, spend a minute a week to protect yourself from fair housing claims and suits. Check out today’s The Monday Morning Minute


“Goring the Ox” of New Residential Development

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantAs the ancient Hebrews tell us in scripture, the answer to the question of who is damaged and who must pay depends upon “whose ox is being gored”. The recent decision by the Frederick County Council to increase impact fees is yet another example of…


CEOminutes: Randy Marriner – Founder of Victoria Restaurant Group

Randy Marriner is the chairman and founder of Victoria Restaurant Group. Together with his wife Mary, and daughters Rachael and Tori, Randy runs a number of restaurants, including Victoria Gastropub, Manor Hill Brewing, and Food Plenty. For years, the Victoria Resturant Group has been a leader in Howard County’s hospitality industry, serving traditional and innovative flavors, menus, and design elements—many…


Do You Actually Like Your Lawyer?

“Why is Washington, D.C. full of lawyers and New Jersey full of toxic waste sites?” Jersey got first choice. “What’s the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?” There are skid marks in front of the snake. There are millions of lawyer jokes. So why is there…


Offit Kurman Telebriefs | Joint Employment Under The Fair Labor Standards Act

On April 1st the Department of Labor (“DOL”) announced that it would be proposing a new interpretation of joint employment under the Fair Labor Standards Act. As reported in earlier Telebriefs, the National Labor Relations Board is also concurrently dealing with this issue contrary to interpretations of joint employment under the Obama Administration’s Board interpretations….


Saturday Side Hustle: Play, Perform, and Entertain

Last week we considered the right of a musician, or let’s say a recording artist, to perform his or her original works. This is a right that is sacrosanct nowadays because the days of record sales being the primary source of income for recording artists are over. Nowadays live performances generate a greater percentage of…


Philly Developers Start Cashing in on Trump Tax Break, as ‘Opportunity Zone’-Funded Projects Advance

With the recent introduction of proposed rules governing the application of “opportunity zones,” developers are better equipped to take advantage of this attractive tax strategy. Here’s a recent article about its use in Philadelphia.     As Published in The Philly Inquirer by Jacob Adelman   Philadelphia is in store for its first smattering of…


What’s in a Take? Five Facts on Eminent Domain Law

Eminent Domain law is governed by the United States Constitution. The Fifth Amendment provides that “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.” In Virginia, Article I, Section 11 of the state Constitution similarly allows for just compensation while providing additional rights. Check out the following facts on Eminent Domain: In…


Friday Factoid Quiz: World Intellectual Property Day

World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated each year on April 26th. To mark the occasion, test your knowledge of these inventions, inventors and IP battles from around the world…


LawMatters – April 2019

Every person has a story, but not everyone gets the chance to tell it. Here at Offit Kurman, we’re dedicated to using our platform to help professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurially-minded individuals in our communities experience and share stories that matter. With the launch of our new podcast channel, our firm is bringing attorney insights,…