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Friday Factoid Quiz: Technology Entrepreneurs

October 28, 2019, is the 64th birthday of Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Gates became a billionaire by age 31 and is well known for his many contributions to the fields of technology, business, philanthropy and world health. To honor Bill Gates and his accomplishments, test your knowledge of these famous American entrepreneurs and technology company founders:


The Weekly Scenario: Financing Life Insurance

Question:  I don’t have a lot of cash for life insurance.  Is there any way for me to finance the purchase?


SHIELD Act In Effect: Tips for Navigating Mandatory Cybersecurity Requirements

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantCybersecurity is top of mind for most organizations. However – did you know that it is now the law? New York recently enacted the Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Security Act (the “SHIELD Act”). The SHIELD Act requires that organizations that own or license data…


The Hospitality Employer: So, You Can Sleep as Well as Your Guests

Predictive Scheduling: The Fair Workweek Ordinance Regulations Posted for Public Comment The final regulations related to the Philadelphia Fair Workweek Ordinance have been issued for public comment. For thirty days, until November 4, the public can request a hearing on any aspect of the regulations. If you are interested in requesting a hearing, you can…


D.C. Property Management Minute: What is “Reasonable Basis” to an apartment?

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.


U.S. Appeals Court Cites Disabilities Act Against Domino’s Pizza Website

On October 7, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court commenced its current term.  On that date, the High Court let stand a decision rendered in January by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals in California. That decision, which now sets the rule in this area, held that a blind customer could sue Domino’s Pizza…


CEOminutes: Principal Attorney, Doug Kay, Talks Cybersecurity

Today’s businesses face greater cybersecurity threats than ever before, and yet many organizations fail to adequately protect their sensitive data. Unprepared organizations risk not only the direct impact of a breach but numerous indirect costs such as penalties for noncompliance and—for government contractors—the loss of client business. That’s according to Michael Cardaci, president of Human…


Read Delete: Which Languages Are College Students Learning More Of?

According to the U.S. Modern Language Association, a record number of college students are learning more Korean than any other language, with attributes to the tidal wave of popularity in Korean pop music and culture. While the Korean culture is spreading like wildfire across college campuses in the U.S., it doesn’t stop there. The Korean…


The Monday Morning Minute: Can a property manager restrict a service animal to only certain areas of the community?

Access to Rental Housing on a fair and equal basis is a right – and it’s the law. As a property owner, management agent or if you make your living from residential real estate, spend a minute a week to protect yourself from fair housing claims and suits. Check out today’s The Monday Morning Minute.


The Weekly Scenario: Should We Tell Our Kids About Our Wills?

Question:  Should we tell our kids what we plan to leave them under our Wills?