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Friday Factoid Quiz: Celebrating Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 – 314 years ago! To celebrate the birthday and life of a man who was both a well-loved Founding Father and one of our country’s greatest inventors, test your knowledge of these innovations and published works from Ben Franklin:


The Train is Coming: Virginia Introduces Transportation Overhaul

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantTaking the train can be relaxing. With no likely chance of traffic and the ability to concentrate on something other than the road, many commuters “opt in” to rail service. However, what if the train does not go to your destination? For those in the…


HOA Foreclosure Shocks the Conscience

Foreclosures are a valuable tool for homeowners’ associations to collect delinquent amounts from owners, but one homeowners association recently found itself in hot water when it foreclosed for a small amount. In a scathing opinion, the South Carolina Supreme Court recently invalidated a homeowners’ association’s foreclosure, finding it shocked the Court’s conscience.  The case is…


Offit Kurman Attorneys’ Successful Dismissal of Claims Against Its Auditor Client


D.C. Property Management Minute: What is an application to “Stay the Writ”?

When it comes to property management, the District of Columbia has a unique set of laws. Join Billy each week as he gives you advice on dealing with a common property management problem in D.C. and how to quickly solve it.


Yes, You and Your Business Partner Should Sign a Contract

When people enter into a business relationship, contracts are rarely the first thing on anyone’s mind. Rather, the partners are thinking about all the positive elements of the arrangement. Perhaps it is the complementary skills two founders bring to their startup. Or the synergies between a well-known brand and a private label supplier in a…


Read Delete: What Kind of Leader Are You?

The dilemma with developing and teaching leadership is that everyone leads differently for the simple fact that behavior, personality, and acumen are subjective and vary from person to person. Even the era in which people were born in plays a role in the way individuals may choose to lead. However, in order to lead your…


Fundamental Considerations for Letters of Intent in M&A Transactions

A Letter of Intent (“LOI”) – also called a term sheet or memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) – expresses the parties’ intent to enter into a merger and acquisition (“M&A”) transaction and summarizes the primary terms of the deal. It is often the first negotiated document between the parties and is, therefore, extremely important in identifying…


The Monday Morning Minute: Can You Issue A Non-Renewal Notice Without A Legitimate Reason?

Access to Rental Housing on a fair and equal basis is a right – and it’s the law. As a property owner, management agent or if you make your living from residential real estate, spend a minute a week to protect yourself from fair housing claims and suits. Check out today’s The Monday Morning Minute.


The Weekly Scenario: ABLE Account vs. Special Needs Trust

Question: What is the difference between an ABLE account and a Special Needs Trust?