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The Weekly Scenario: Can A Surviving Spouse Change the Beneficiary Designation on an Inherited IRA? 

Question: Can a surviving spouse change the beneficiary designation on an inherited IRA?  What if the spouse becomes incapacitated, is her financial agent (under Power of Attorney) authorized to change the beneficiary designation?


Adverse Possession: What Every New York Land Owner Must Know | Part Three

To take land through adverse possession, an adverse possessor must also comply with either RPAPL §§ 512 and 522. These additions to the law further elaborate on the requirements of notice and exclusivity. To be clear, these requirements are…


Bitcoin Basics: What is the Difference Between Bitcoin and Other Online Payment Systems?

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantThere are plenty of online payment systems these days – Venmo, PayPal, stripe, amazon pay… How is bitcoin different? The question is non-trivial and goes to the heart of what cryptocurrency is. First, a mundane but relevant observation – the digital world is different from…


New Year, New You

The new year is upon us and that means millions of people are amped up and ready to begin their new health regime. This new health regime may be a fad diet, self-care, mental health, or a plethora of other ideas for a healthier lifestyle. No matter what your health regime includes, it all starts…


Saturday Side Hustle: The Pickle Adventure Continues!

Why don’t more pickles have catchy names or, at least, suggestive ones? Those of you who read this blog know that I get a kick out of trademarks, hence the question. I feel like people who launch into culinary ventures of any kind have to be somewhat creative, so I’m puzzled by the lack of…


Friday Factoid Quiz: British Brands

January 31, 2020, is slated to be “Brexit Day” – the day on which the United Kingdom leaves the European Union. To mark the occasion, test your knowledge of these famous British marks:


LawMatters – January 2020

Happy New Year from Offit Kurman! January is the time for beginnings—for making changes and setting new professional goals. But in order to determine where we’re going next, it’s important to take stock of where we’ve been.


Tips for Setting Successful Employment Practices in 2020

The new year means new chances. For us as people, but also for our organizations and businesses. Seizing the opportunity, however, can be difficult when businesses are confronted with everyday demands. The tips below provide simple steps that can be taken in 2020 to minimize risk in your employment practices with minimal effort. 1. Update…


The Hospitality Employer: Website Compliance, Legalized Marijuana, and More

    Predictive Scheduling Update The effective date of the new Fair Workweek Ordinance has officially been postponed to April 1, 2020, and employers have until July 1, 2020 to provide existing employees with good faith estimates. The Regulations have not yet been published, but I will advise once they have and will be doing…


New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

As published on Print This Page It’s January and you’ve already thrown in the towel on losing weight, exercising or quitting anything bad.  Well, at least get your business into good legal shape. Here are five key commitments that will improve—and may one day save—your company. Clean Up Your Contracts. A good contract does…