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Quick Guide to the Financial Declaration in Family Court

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantSome of the most frequent questions we get are “Why does the other side need to know how much money I have in my bank account?” or “What difference does it make how much I have in my retirement account?” These questions are often a…


This Week In Real Estate: Water Rights

What are the rights of owners of property that contains and/or is adjacent to bodies of water? These rights are called “riparian rights.  Traditionally, the term “riparian rights” referred to the rights of owners of land abutting a stream and “littoral rights” referred to the rights of owners of land abutting a lake or sea. …


Mo Syed Immigration Webinar – Conversation With CEO of Emerging Strategy Inc., Adil Husain, Business and Global Mobility: Leadership During COVID-19

August 27th
12:00 p.m


The Art of Relationship Marketing

In recent years, the term “Business Development” quickly became synonymous with sales. However, this misuse of business development has been a disservice to business developers and the entire concept behind the position. Business developers should NOT serve as sales professionals. Instead, they should focus on building relationships with prospects, centers of influence, and clients. Let…


COVID-19 Causes Businesses to Assess and Pivot in 2020

In business, when times are good, they’re good. Money is flowing, business is operating according to plan, everything appears optimal and there’s a sense of motivation and accomplishment in the air. When things are good, people are happy; things are accepted at face value, bad behavior is allowed to slide. But when times are not…


LawMatters – August 2020

LawMatters – August 2020 In the August 2020 edition of LawMatters, we’re pleased to announce that forty-four attorneys, across every region, have been selected to the Best Lawyers in America list. Additionally, nine attorneys were selected to the Ones to Watch list, and Tate K. Sterrett was selected as the Best Lawyers’ Lawyer of the…


New Pennsylvania Construction Industry Employee Verification Act is Effective October 7, 2020

The Pennsylvania Construction Industry Employee Verification Act (the “Act”), requiring that all construction industry employers utilize the E-Verify program administered by the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration, goes into effect on October 7, 2020. The Act applies to individuals, entities, and organizations in the construction industry who conduct business and employ…


Jon Wachs Interviews Andrew Sherman | Inspiring Views from the Bright Side

Inspiring Views from the Bright SideSM An Interview with Andrew Sherman CEO American Bully Manufacturing | Annapolis Junction, MD Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn Read the Q and A Watch the Video 1. What are the goods/services offered by your primary business? Contract Manufacturing to DoD and other businesses supporting government projects. Product development and…


Excluding High-Taxed Foreign Income Under Final GILTI HTE Regulations and Proposed Section 954(b)(4) Regulations

Background   On July 20, 2020, Treasury and the IRS issued proposed regulations (“Proposed Regulations”) under section (“Section”) 954(b)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“Code”) conforming the rules for electing into a high-tax exception (“HTE”) for “subpart F” income and a high-tax exclusion from global intangible low-taxed income (“GILTI”) (“GILTI HTE”)….


Car Dealerships and Sales Consultants: What Payments Are Considered Wages?

Recently, the Department of Labor advised that car dealerships may count direct payments from automobile manufacturers to their employees toward the dealership’s minimum wage obligation to the employee. This is true even if the employee was performing work solely on behalf of the dealership. The DOL considered a situation where a group of automobile dealerships…