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Wolf Amends the Occupancy Limit Calculation for Events and Gatherings…Here’s What it Means for Employers

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantOn October 6, 2020, Governor Wolf signed an Amendment to the July 15, 2020 Order that directed the Targeted Mitigation Measures. Briefly, the July 15, 2020 Order required, among other things, that indoor events and gatherings could not exceed 25 people, and outdoor events and…


Can Child Support Affect Your Ability to Get a Loan?

There are thousands of divorced parents in South Carolina who are paying or receiving child support. Many of these people may not realize that the payments, meant to go towards food, shelter and clothing for the kids, can have an effect on how lenders view their applications for loans. One commonly encountered example is buying a…


The 9 Biggest Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

Most business owners would agree that running a business is unlike anything else you will encounter in your career. The majority of business owners are learning on the fly, applying the skills and experiences they have picked up along the way. Starting a business is exciting. Perhaps you have always dreamt of being your own…


Superior Court Holds Arbitration on Breach of Contract Claims Does Not Preclude Mechanics’ Lien Enforcement Action

In Brackenridge Construction Company Inc. v. Lakeville DPP, LLC, in a non-precedential decision, the Pennsylvania Superior Court held that a contractor was not precluded from enforcing its mechanics’ lien where it had previously arbitrated its claims for unpaid labor. Brackenridge entered into a master construction contract with Dollar Texas Properties XV, LLC c/o GBT Realty…


Success is not guaranteed in life

Success is not guaranteed in life “Success isn’t owned, it’s leased.  And rent is due every day.”  – J.J. Watt, Houston Texans   Success is not guaranteed in life.  And success today does not mean more success tomorrow.  Athletes may win their game this week and next week but ultimately fail at their championship goals. …


Politics Doesn’t Belong at the Dinner Table… or the Dealership

With the election less than thirty days away, and the potential for a drawn-out declaration of the winner, political tensions are high. The country is incredibly divided right now and employers likely know all too well that it’s causing disruptions and disagreements among employees. There is a common notion that employees have unfettered first amendment…


Read & Share: State of Virtual Office 2020

While remote work is making a legendary comeback after the 2013 Yahoo embarrassment, it is pulling a unique business niche up with it. Virtual workplaces or virtual offices came out of sci-fi movie scripts and became reality a decade ago. Between 2004-2014, the adoption rate was very low due to tech limitations and the limited…


Philly Public Health Emergency Leave is Expansive and Affects Almost All Employers

Last month, the City of Philadelphia amended the Philadelphia Paid Sick Leave Law to include Public Health Emergency Leave. Briefly, the Philadelphia Paid Sick Leave Law requires covered employers to provide 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 40 hours worked by an employee in the City of Philadelphia. This blog focuses on the…


This Week in Real Estate: 1031 Exchange – The Rules

Last week we discussed what is an IRS Code Section 1031 Exchange and the benefit of the 1031 Exchange: the deferral of capital gains tax when investment property is sold, as long as the profit is reinvested in replacement property.  But what are the rules of the exchange in order to qualify for the capital…


The COVID-19 Emergency – What We Learned and How to Prepare for The Next One

As posted in the Legal Intelligencer It’s safe to say the possibility of a pandemic was not on the construction industry’s metaphorical radar when it hit; but what we have learned in recent months will both help press forward in dealing with COVID-19 and better prepare us for the next public health emergency.  Many construction…