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Read & Share: The 50 Most Visited Websites In the World

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantIf you spend any time online, it’s likely you’re familiar with some of the world’s most visited websites. On today’s internet, a handful of giants have unmatched dominance. Top Three Websites (Monthly visits): Google: 92.5 billion YouTube: 34.6 billion Facebook: 25.5 billion Together, the top…


DOL New Regulations: Tip Pools

As discussed in the previous blog, the Department of Labor issued regulations that clarify the 2018 amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This is the second of a four-part series on these new regulations. This blog focuses on the amendments relating to Tip Pooling. PROHIBITION ON EMPLOYERS KEEPING TIPS As discussed in the…


Time for Your HOA’S Annual Checkup

It’s 2021, and while 2020 was a rough year, let’s try to keep 2021 as normal as possible. Like many Americans trying to set goals for the new year, HOAs and condominium boards should also. First, check on buildings’ health and other improvements for which the association is responsible for maintaining. Now might be an…


Consistency, dedication, and belief are key attributes for success in life.

Consistency, dedication, and belief are key attributes for success in life “My motto was always to keep swinging.  Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging.” – Baseball legend Hank Aaron.   Consistency, dedication and belief are key attributes for…


Man’s Best Friend…and Office Mate?

Risks and rewards of pet policies from an employment attorney and a personal injury attorney. Author: Sarah Sawyer in collaboration with guest author Ryan Dickriede. Over the last twenty years, office culture has changed dramatically. Advances in technology have led to increased flexibility for employees as many tasks can now be completed remotely. Employees are…


May employers mandate that their employees obtain a COVID-19 vaccine?

Employers may implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, subject to some conditions and exceptions.  However, mandatory vaccination policies must be job-related; consistent with business necessity; or justified by a direct threat to health. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has deemed COVID-19 to be a ‘direct threat’ to health in the workplace. In December 2020,…


DOL Issues New Regulations: Managers and Supervisors of Tipped Employees

On December 22, 2020, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued the final Regulations to accompany and clarify the latest amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This is the first of three updates relating to these regulations. These regulations go into effect on March 1, 2021. SUPER QUICK BACKGROUND… In 2018, congress passed the…


Time Sensitive: OSHA Reporting Deadline for Employers

President Biden is quickly moving towards changing the legal landscape for employers, from COVID-related measures to overtime laws. These updates however should not detract from existing deadlines such as the upcoming February 1, 2021 requirement to post the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Form 300A log in the workplace. Workers must complete a Form…


OK At Work: January 2021 COVID-19 Update

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss January 2021 COVID-19 updates. As the vaccine continues to roll out, what state and federal changes should employers be prepared for as office re-openings begin to happen? Can we return to normal? Should vaccine policies be part of that return? What…


LawMatters – January 2021

LawMatters – January 2021 In the January 2021 Edition of LawMatters, Offit Kurman attorneys discuss why the little things matter and litigation trends coming up in the new year. We also introduce you to some of our newer attorneys throughout our regions. Our LawMatters newsletter has been a staple in providing our readers with updates…