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The American Rescue Plan Act Part 1: Expanded Qualifying Reasons for Paid Leave

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantEmployers should be aware of a number of key provisions under Biden’s new stimulus bill, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). I’ve provided summaries of some of the most significant in this three-part series: 1) expanded qualifying reasons for paid sick and emergency family leave;…


Offit Kurman’s Laura Winston Presents to PIPLA Audience on the Trademark Modernization Act

Offit Kurman intellectual property attorney Laura Winston recently presented to the Philadelphia Intellectual Property Law Association (PIPLA) on the Trademark Modernization Act. Ms. Winston’s presentation, “The Trademark Modernization Act: What Is It and How Did We Get Here?” specifically addressed the sweeping changes that came to the Lanham Act and how these changes affected office…


OK at Work: Unpaid Lunch Periods

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss wage and hour issues, particularly unpaid meal breaks and the practice of auto-deducting these breaks from timesheets. While auto-deducting bona fide meal breaks of at least 30 minutes is not prohibited, there are pitfalls for employers to be aware of, especially if…


The Weekly Scenario: Advance Directive for Health Care

The question of when to withhold or terminate life support for an unconscious or terminally ill person is one that is hotly debated. As you can probably guess, there are a host of medical, ethical, religious and legal issues.   Prior to legislation dealing with these issues, the decisions were usually made by family members in…


Read & Share: Charted: The Gen Z Unemployment Rate, Compared to Older Generations

Putting the Gen Z Unemployment Rate in Perspective There are more than 2 billion people in the Generation Z age range globally. These individuals, born between 1997 and 2009, represent about 30% of the total global population—and it’s predicted that by 2025, Gen Z will make up about 27% of the workforce. Due to the global pandemic, unemployment has…


Traditional Law Firms are Still the Better Choice for Growth-Minded Attorneys

As Published in The Legal Intelligencer – Special Section March 2021: Top Laterals/New Partners Now that we have reached the one-year mark where most lawyers have been working almost entirely remotely, many firms find themselves addressing their future as they consider a plan to migrate slowly back into an office-based work environment. Law firm managers…


Equal Pay for Equal Work – What is “Pay?”

This is the second blog in a three-part series on Equal Pay. The first blog discussed who was covered under the Equal Pay Act (EPA). This blog focuses on what constitutes “pay.” Some may think that as long as everyone is paid the same hourly wage salary, then that is enough. It is not. The…


The Weekly Scenario: Marital vs. Separate Property

As the saying goes, why is divorce so expensive?  Because it’s worth it.  Probably a poor lead-in, but I wanted to write this week on Marital vs Separate property. Marital vs. Separate Property The first step in dividing up assets in divorce is deciding who owns what.  You and your spouse each entered into the…


CDC Issues Guidance on Workplace Vaccination Program

On March 16, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control issued Guidance on workplace vaccination programs for essential workers. The CDC refers to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce for the definition of an “Essential Worker.” This guidance provides a high-level overview of 8 areas for employers’ consideration: Start…


National Ban-the-Box: Three Tips for Recruiting Processes

COVID-19 has turned typical recruiting and the overall economy upside down. As a result, almost every industry has been forced to “adapt” and figure out how to recruit and maintain a workforce. With recruitment efforts occurring solely online, keeping tabs on the legality of a process can be even more difficult. There may be an…