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What Does May 31 Mean for Businesses?

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantOn May 4, 2021, Governor Wolf announced that, “all COVID-19 restrictions related to gatherings, restaurants, and other businesses will be lifted.” Governor Wolf, went on to announce that the Masking Order remains in effect until 70% of the adults in Pennsylvania are Fully Vaccinated. (NOTE:…


The Weekly Scenario: No One is Too Old to Make IRA Contributions Now

By the time this article is published, ‘tax season’ for the 2020 reporting will be coming to a close.  Tax season is the time when individuals have the opportunity of contributing to an IRA. It is not well known, but one benefit the SECURE Act gave us was to do away with the age limit…


Read & Share: The World’s Top 50 Influencers Across Social Media Platforms

  In the modern digital world, social media reach is power. The people with the most followers on Twitter, for example, have a massive platform to spread their messages, while those with large, engaged followings on Instagram are an advertiser’s dream sponsor partner. Social media can also be an equalizer of power. It’s true that…


Non-Fungible Tokens: Opportunities and Concerns Regarding Authenticity

Our recent blog posts about non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) describe NFTs, identify what buyers obtain when they purchase NFTs and discuss how NFTs affect musical artists.  This post further explores how the issue of authenticity (or the mere perception of authenticity) creates both business opportunities and legal concerns in the emerging market for the sale of…


Employment Practice Playbook: Client Spotlight — Heiler Painting


Older Condominiums Thrown A Curve Ball By North Carolina Court Of Appeals

The North Carolina Court of Appeals has issued a “published” opinion (meaning the case is binding authority for similar cases), effectively eliminating an important and effective tool for the collection of delinquent assessments for older condominiums: the “power of sale” foreclosure (“POSF”).  Also known as “non-judicial foreclosure,” the POSF essentially utilizes the same legal process…


Saying Goodbye to Maryland’s Mask Mandate: Now what?

On Friday, May 14, 2021, Governor Hogan announced changes to Maryland’s mask mandate, which took effect on Saturday, May 15, 2021. Under Governor Hogan’s executive order, individuals are no longer required to wear masks, inside or outside, except when they are: in or on any Public Transportation or School Bus; obtaining healthcare services, including without…


No Masks – No problem? Tips on the Mask Mandate and Work

On May 13, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear masks or physically distance in any setting. This is not a bright line rule, as the CDC underscored that masks mandates from state and local governments would still apply. The announcement did not address…


Mike Tysons’ most famous quote

Mike Tysons’ most famous quote “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” – Former Professional Boxer Mike Tyson   Mike Tysons’ most famous quote is frequently used by leaders and entrepreneurs alike. This statement illustrates the painful truth about being truly prepared – and even with preparation being able to adapt while…


OK at Work: Mask Guidance Updates

After the whirlwind of mask guidance last week, in this week’s episode of OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger focus on what comes next.  Since recording this episode, we have already seen states and localities adjust their mask mandates and we are certain that there will be more changes coming in short order. …