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What to Ask a Lawyer When Starting a Business

(Note: to navigate through the video, click on the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video to open the full version with time controls.)   I sat down with Dave Lorenzo on the Inside BS Show to discuss what business owners should consider when hiring an attorney and the importance of having a…


Solar Panel Restrictions: The Court Of Appeals Illuminates Panel Restrictions

A “hot” topic in HOAs is the extent of an HOA’s authority to regulate solar panels.  The legislature enacted a statute in 2007 that makes deed restrictions (i.e. a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) void against public policy if they overly restrict an owner’s ability to install solar panels.  The statute is N.C. General…


Read & Share: Memorial Day

  Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who died in service to their country. The holiday was officially proclaimed in 1868 to honor Union and Confederate soldiers and was expanded after World War I to honor those who died in all wars. It became an official federal holiday…


M&A Nuggets: Know Your Buyer

  Many times, a business seeking to sell is in discussions with the wrong buyer – a mismatch.  Negotiating with a mismatched buyer can be a waste of time, money and resources and lead to either the demise of a potential transaction or a transaction taking longer with much greater effort, all of which could…


Five Phases of a Deal from a Sell-Side Perspective: Pre-Transaction Planning

Recently, I wrote a blog providing an overview of the anatomy of a deal from a sell-side perspective, including my infographic breaking down the components of a transaction. For most sellers, approaching their M&A transaction can be daunting and frightening. M&A can be complex, and rarely are there “do-overs.” For this reason, I created my…


North Carolina Appellate Court Rules That Restrictive Covenants More Than 30 Years Old May Be Extinguished

We first blogged about C Investments 2 v. Auger, a potentially impactful case for older communities, several months ago.  The North Carolina Court of Appeals has now rendered its opinion, which is discussed below. C Investments purchased seven lots in the Country Colony neighborhood in Mecklenburg County.  As is typical with many subdivisions in Charlotte…


LawMatters – May 2021

LawMatters – May 2021 Welcome to the May 2021 edition of LawMatters. This month we explore non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Pennsylvania’s new law requiring police background disclosures and the intersection of divorce and cognitive decline. You can read more about Offit Kurman’s new office in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and our ranking on American Lawyer’s prestigious Am…


Philly Employers are Held to a Higher Standard

As with everything in this Pandemic, in addition to the Federal (CDC), and State guidance, employers must be cognizant of the local guidance and regulations. This article focuses on Philadelphia. On May 11, 2021, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) announced that the Safer at Home Restrictions will be gradually relaxed. However, it is…


OK at Work: Navigating the New Post COVID-19 Normal

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, now that some of the laws requiring certain workplace safety measures have been either eliminated or relaxed, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss what comes next for employers. These changes in the law, as well as the changes to CDC guidance, give employers more discretion and require…


The Land of Opportunity

From the jeans we’ve worn for the past 170 years, to the yogurt we’ve eaten for nearly the last two decades, to the proliferating Teslas that hum along our highways, the companies founded by such foreign-born entrepreneurs as Levi Strauss, Hamdi Ulukaya (Chobani yogurt) and Elon Musk prove that America truly is the land of…