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The Fab Five’s $2 Billion Crypto-Fraud Flop

On May 28, 2021, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) commenced an enforcement action against five U.S. individuals who, between January 2017 and January 2018 participated in BitConnect’s fraudulent scheme, which collectively raised an eye-popping $2 billion from investors throughout the world.  The complaint alleges that: (i) the Fab Five promoted investments into a…


OK at Work: Non-Competes

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss strategies for using restrictive covenants to protect your business’s interests in a shifting legal landscape. In 2019, Maryland enacted a law that prohibits non-competes for lower earning employees and Washington, D.C. recently passed a ban on non-competes. In addition to non-compete…


Restrictions on Indoor and Outdoor Meetings Lifted

Effective May 14, 2021, North Carolina Governor Cooper’s restrictions on the allowable number of people for indoor and outdoor meetings and social distancing requirements were lifted.  For HOAs, this means that in-person board and member meetings may now be held with no capacity restrictions, social distancing or mask requirements.  There remain some mask mandates, mostly…


Biometric Data Privacy and Why Employers Need to Know About It

What is Biometric Data? Every time you unlock your smartphone with facial recognition or your tablet with your fingerprint, you are using biometrics. Biometrics are a way to measure a person’s physical characteristics to verify their identity. It includes physical traits such as fingerprints, facial recognition, voice prints, and retina and hand scans. How Does…


Read & Share: The Bitcoin Crash of 2021 Compared to Past Sell-Offs

Bitcoin’s Latest Crash: Not the First, Not the Last While bitcoin has been one of the world’s best performing assets over the past 10 years, the cryptocurrency has had its fair share of volatility and price corrections. Using data from CoinMarketCap, this graphic looks at bitcoin’s historical price corrections from all-time highs. With bitcoin already down ~15% from…


The Weekly Scenario: Witnesses and Wills

Some clients ask why all the formalities when we execute estate planning documents such as a Will.  When a client comes in to sign a Will, we always assist the client with witnesses and a notary. In many states, a Will is not valid if not witnessed by at least two individuals. A DC case…


Are We There Yet?

As we approach the mid-point of 2021, it’s fair to ask whether we have finally emerged from the Covid-Cloud. Is the world finally able to put the Pandemic in the rearview mirror and forge ahead now in some semblance of what we were used to before we were forced to quarantine? Are we there yet?…


Are you National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) compliant?

In 1935, Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) intending to protect workers from harmful labor practices and encourage collective bargaining. Out of the NLRA came the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent federal agency created to enforce the NLRA. While the NLRA granted employees the right to form or join a union…


Philadelphia Lifts the Indoor Mask Mandate at 12:01 am on June 11, 2021

On June 10, 2021, the City of Philadelphia announced that it would be relaxing two more restrictions: (1) the indoor mask mandate and (2) the 11:00 pm “last call” for restaurants. With respect to masks, the City outlined the following, “people who are not vaccinated or are not fully vaccinated are still strongly recommended to…


Long Hours? Don’t Miss Virginia’s New Overtime Law

Over the last year, the operation of many businesses changed to include more remote work and different ways of servicing clients. To put it mildly, COVID-19 has been extremely hectic and challenging for almost every sector. Nonetheless, as we continue to move towards improvement with the virus, it is important to stay on top of…