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Read & Share: Map Explainer: Key Facts About Afghanistan

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantMap Explainer: Key Facts About Afghanistan   The country of Afghanistan has a long and complicated history of domination by foreign powers and conflict between factions within the country. While Afghanistan is well covered in headlines and news stories, the lion’s share of this coverage…


Arkansas Prohibits Employer Vaccine Mandates

Multi-jurisdictional businesses must keep current on the state laws relating to vaccination of employees. While employers are permitted to require vaccination among their employees, there are some states that prohibit employers from implementing such a policy. Arkansas is one of those states. House Bill 1547, is explicit: An employer shall not require or mandate an…


This Week in Real Estate: Commercial Leases — Base Year Lease

This Week in Real Estate continues its discussion on Leases. This week we’ll remain our focus on commercial leasing and discuss the base year commercial lease. In a base year lease, a base year is selected (usually the first year of the lease). The landlord agrees to pay the property’s expenses (Real Estate Taxes, Insurance…


The Weekly Scenario: Where to Keep Your Trust

What if I can’t find a copy of my Trust and how do I prove it exists? Without a copy of the trust instrument, proving that such a trust is in existence can be a challenge.  The attorney who drafted the trust, or the attorney or firm’s successor, should keep a record of the trust…


Parental Misconduct Can Be Basis for Change of Child Custody

Does this sound familiar?  Parents divorce and are granted joint custody of their child, with the mother having primary physical custody and the father having liberal visitation.  This arrangement works fairly well for a year or so, but then problems develop. The “problems” that arise include: Mother prevents father’s new wife from picking up children…


COVID-19 and Sexual Harassment: Addressing Risks for Employers

Think that sexual harassment at work is out of the picture because of COVID-19? Last week the public was reminded that sexual harassment did not end with the #MeToo movement back in 2017. The findings of the New York State Attorney General relating to Andrew Cuomo and his subsequent resignation demonstrate that there is still…


Some Employers Required to Provide Paid Leave for Employee Family Member Vaccinations

On July 29, 2021, the Department of Treasury announced that the American Rescue Plan now includes two additional situations where employees can take Expanded Family Medical Leave or Paid Sick Leave. While the IRS announces this as something that could be optional, the American Rescue Plan renders it mandatory for some employers. Before getting into…


So, What About Your Personal Property – Is It Yours?

Anything that you owned prior to your marriage, that you received through inheritance, or that was a gift to you (not to both of you) during the marriage, is not marital property. It’s yours. You can keep it upon divorce, and you do not need to offset the value of those items with anything that…


Locking Down Your Online Privacy During a Divorce

It used to be that when you met with a divorce attorney, the first concern was protecting yourself from losing assets or being followed by a private investigator. While those are still very valid concerns when spouses initially separate, in today’s constantly connected world, when the decision to divorce has been made, one of the…


OK at Work: Vaccine Mandates Revisited

On this week’s episode of OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer revisit the topic of mandatory vaccination in the workplace now that the COVID-19 Delta variant has caused employers to take a closer look at their reopening plans.  It has also caused employers to weigh the risks of mandating the vaccine versus the…