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3 Top Factors to Consider When Choosing a Family Court Lawyer

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantAfter twenty-six years as a family court attorney, I can tell you that no divorce or custody case is ever the same as the last. The facts and people involved in each case are always different. While there may be similarities in how the family…


Read & Share: Tech Companies Take Over Best Employers Ranking

Tech Companies Take Over Best Employers Ranking   Over the span of just five years, tech companies have taken over all of the top 8 spots of the World’s Best Employers ranking. In 2017, the first year the ranking was published by Forbes in collaboration with Statista, half of the top 8 companies were from the…


Basics to Know About Domestic Violence

Recently, the Federal Government announced the month of October as National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Sadly, domestic violence is far too prevalent in society. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, which equates…


COVID-19 and Custody

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide and has caused us to fundamentally change the way we conduct our everyday lives.  Efforts to protect against contracting the virus and to curtail the spread of the pandemic has resulted in the implementation of various public health care measures that have redefined and restructured our…


The Weekly Scenario: Executor of an Estate

  An executor of an estate has several duties.  Of the many duties, one that is often missed is to ensure that all income tax returns have been filed for the decedent, including filing the final personal income tax return.  After a person dies, any income earned prior to their death must be reported to…


Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Finds Reckless Disregard for the Truth Equals Fraud, Cancels Trademark Registration

The U.S. trademark law provides that a trademark registration may be canceled if it was obtained fraudulently.  A registration may also be canceled if the registrant commits fraud in post-registration filings, including a Section 15 Declaration of Incontestability. Often filed in combination with the Section 8 Declaration of Use due in the 6th year of…


3 Mistakes Made by Men During Divorce

In our last post, I looked at three mistakes typically made by women during divorce, so now it’s time to focus on the men. (Yes, men do make mistakes sometimes!) Pursuing a new romantic relationship immediately after separation or while the divorce is pending While this seems to be obvious, it is by far the…


Minimum Wage Increase: What to Know

In the past, I’ve written about the increase of the minimum wage for federal contractors, effective in January 2020. The federal government recently announced another increase, now to $11.25/hour – with some contracts subject to an increase of $15/hour. The increase takes effect on January 1, 2022 and therefore federal contractors have limited time to…


Skeletons in the Closet: The 5 Biggest Undiscovered Issues that Can Halt the Sale of a Business

You have an interested buyer and they have submitted an exciting letter of intent for the purchase of your business.  What could possibly derail the sale?  Well . . . the golden rule for a seller is that the business is not “sold” until the closing and the monies hit the account.  Before receiving your…


3 Mistakes Women Make During Divorce

Divorce is a difficult process, even under the best circumstances when no mistakes are made by either party. However, in a typical case, each party will make certain mistakes no matter the amount of the advice, counseling, or warning they have received from their attorneys. This week we will examine the most common mistakes made…