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Treasury Department Issues Proposed Regulations on Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership for Most Business Entities

On December 8, 2021, the Department of Treasury issued a release containing a set of proposed regulations that would implement the reporting requirements for disclosure of Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) of most US and foreign entities doing business in the US under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) adopted by Congress in January 2021.  The comment…


Read & Share: Who Got It Right? A Look Back at Expert Predictions For 2021

Who Got It Right? A Look Back at Expert Predictions For 2021     Last year, the editorial team at Visual Capitalist scoured through 200+ reports, articles, podcasts, and more to create our 2021 Prediction Consensus—a big picture and aggregated look at the key trends that experts predict for the year ahead. If 2021 taught…


The Weekly Scenario: Roth IRA/401(k) Head to Head

Both Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) contributions are made with after-tax dollars, grow tax-free, and can be withdrawn tax-free as a qualified distribution.


OK at Work: The Great Resignation

As we approach the end of 2021, there are a few steps that growth-minded business owners can take in order to prepare for a successful 2022. This week on OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer discuss how businesses can plan now for 2022 growth while navigating the looming obstacles of the Great Resignation and inflation….


Read & Share: The World’s Biggest Startups: Top Unicorns of 2021

The World’s Biggest Startups: Top Unicorns of 2021     Many entrepreneurs start businesses around the world, but only the most successful new companies become “unicorns”—the biggest startups with a valuation above $1 billion. Some unicorns are little-known companies making quiet but impactful strides in software, healthcare, automotive, and other fields. Others have already become well-known industry…


Why Your Company Should Adopt a Vaccination or Test and Mask Policy Regardless of Its Size

The court that stayed the OSHA vaccination ETS rejected the Biden administration’s request to set deadlines in the legal challenge that would have had the case ready for oral argument by the end of December. Accordingly, even if the ETS is implemented, it won’t be for a while because the court won’t even hear an…


How Does Willful Underemployment Impact Child Support in South Carolina?

Child support is often one of the first topics potential clients ask about during a consultation. This isn’t surprising considering that when two parents separate or divorce, their two households must now survive on much less income than they were previously used to before the separation. Whichever parent is more likely to be providing the…


OK at Work: Employee Retention

This week on OK at Work, Russell Berger and Sarah Sawyer address an issue that is top of mind for most employers: employee retention. While raising wages and paying retention bonuses is one method of increasing retention, Sarah and Russell focus on other strategies, such as engaging and relationship building with employees, providing flexibility in…


Trends in the M&A Market Heading into 2022

M&A in 2021 is roaring to a close.  Most will agree that the 2021 M&A market was exceptional, regardless of geography, industry, sector, etc.  Many deals were successfully closed, and a number of transactions are still pushing towards the finish line.  What has driven this robust market?  I think 3 factors have played a large…


Rules Regarding Vaccinations Applicable to Certain Health Providers

Personally, I’m getting “breaking COVID news” fatigue.  I’m willing to guess that you are too, but I have to constantly re-write these blogs.  Yesterday, a federal court in Missouri blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in 10 states. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri entered…