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OK at Work: How to Avoid Claims of Retaliation

This week on OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss best practices for avoiding claims of retaliation in connection with harassment and discrimination investigations. Listen to learn more.


Five Important Tips If You Are Going Through A Separation

You’ve retained an attorney because you are going through a separation. Here are some suggestions for you to consider: MAKE SURE YOU TELL YOUR ATTORNEY EVERYTHING…NO MATTER HOW EMBARRASSING OR DAMAGING THE EVIDENCE MAY BE TO YOUR CASE. In order to be an effective advocate for you, your attorney needs to know the good, the…


Read & Share: Made in America: Goods Exports by State

Made in America: Goods Exports by State   After China, the U.S. is the next largest exporter of goods in the world, shipping out $1.8 trillion worth of goods in 2021—an increase of 23% over the previous year. Of course, that massive number doesn’t tell the whole story. The U.S. economy is multifaceted, with varying levels of…


Chapter 7 Trustee’s Perspective: Selling Litigation in Bankruptcy is Prohibited?

Chapter 7 Trustee’s Perspective: Selling Litigation in Bankruptcy is Prohibited? | Share:   A Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee may receive the opportunity to pursue a large claim for an avoidable transfer, such as a fraudulent conveyance, a preferential transfer or a pre-petition claim that the debtor holds. However, such litigation may be expensive to pursue…


Using a Lifestyle Analysis During High-Asset Divorce Cases: How to Secure Your Future

When a couple decides to divorce, the division of assets can become a heated and contentious issue. If one spouse is wealthy and the other is not, it can be especially difficult to come to an agreement. In some cases, a lifestyle analysis may be necessary in order to fairly divide the assets. In this…


Compliance with Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Important as Department of Labor and DHHS Step Up Enforcement Efforts

  Situation:  Under the Federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, financial requirements and treatment limitations for mental health or substance use disorder benefits may not be more restrictive than those that apply to other medical and surgical benefits.  The 2022 Report to Congress on the Paul Well Stone and Pete Domenici…


3 Myths About Divorce Lawyers: Debunked!

If you are considering a divorce, you may be wondering about the process and what to expect. One of the biggest decisions you will make is who to hire as your divorce lawyer. You may have heard some myths about divorce lawyers that may have made you hesitant to hire one. In this blog post,…


OK at Work: Enhancing Performance through Motivation

This week on OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the need to enhance performance (and guard against claims of unlawful termination) through management and motivation. Oftentimes, employers focus on the negative aspects of an employee’s performance to their detriment. Instead, employers would be better served to exert their efforts on managing employees…


Read & Share: How Inflation Changed the Price of a Hamburger

How Inflation Changed the Price of a Hamburger   With inflation standing at 8.3% year-over-year in April, everyday items are becoming pricier for U.S. consumers. Food prices, in particular, took some significant steps up, as seen in the example of shopping for hamburger ingredients. Meats experienced some of the highest price increases among food items: Ground beef…


Saturday Side Hustle: Interview with Kimberly O’Shields, Continuum Solutions LLC

On this SSH webcast, I’m joined by Kimberly O’Shields of Continuum Solutions LLC. Kimberly shares how her Healthier Campus Initiative is making an impact on the health of young people at institutions of higher education nationwide, particularly in underserved communities. Listen as Kimberly shares her passion for providing a results-based approach to reducing food insecurity,…