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Read Delete: Advertisers Hit the Brakes Amid Economic Uncertainty

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantAdvertisers Hit the Brakes Amid Economic Uncertainty   When Google’s parent company Alphabet reported a slowdown in advertising sales in its latest quarterly earnings report on Tuesday, it stoked fears of a broader advertising downturn. After all, Google is by far the largest media owner in the world,…


NYC Salary Disclosure Law Takes Effect November 1st

New York City’s pay transparency law will take effect on November 1, 2022. The new law amends New York City’s Human Rights Law to require employers with four or more employees and employment agencies (regardless of size) advertising a job to post a minimum and maximum annual salary range or hourly wage for every position,…


Bankruptcy 101 for Mortgage Lenders

In the summer of 2022, First Guarantee Mortgage Company filed for bankruptcy in the District of Delaware. Mortgage market analysts forecast a string of mortgage companies to file for bankruptcy in the months or years ahead. Hence, this is an excellent time to remind mortgage lenders and those that might be impacted by their bankruptcy…


Dividing Stocks in Divorce

If your spouse has stocks, they will need to be identified as marital or non-marital, valued and divided or offset with another marital asset. Public stock is simple to value.  Once a valuation date is determined, the answer lies in the market’s figures.  Assuming the stock is all marital, and the parties agree to divide…


Can My Spouse Take My Business?

The law may differ slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Generally, businesses started during the marriage will be determined to be marital property to be divided upon divorce. If the business is a partnership or a corporation, ownership by title will be determined. Suppose a spouse owns 100% of the business because of the stock ownership…


Executive Playbook: The Challenges of Hiring and Recruiting

On this month’s episode of the Executive Playbook, Mike Cammarata and Russell Berger discuss the practical challenges of making strategic hires and recruiting.  Mike and Russell focus on the different leading indicators that should prompt business owners to move forward with a hire and then, once that decision is made, where to recruit and how…


The Introverted Spouse and Divorce

It’s no secret that divorce is hard. Whether we are talking about the spouses in a marriage that is breaking down, the children who have been witnessing the break-down in real-time, or the extended family and friends who are watching a couple they care about go their separate ways, divorce is an emotional process that…


Avoiding Infringement of a Copyright in a Photograph on Your Website

In recent years, I have noticed an insurgence of letters from lawyers accusing clients of infringing photographer copyrights based on relatively innocuous uses of photographs on company websites or social media outlets. In some cases, I have even seen complaints filed in federal court. These lawyers, some referred to as copyright trolls, seek monetary settlements….


How Do I Protect My Business Interests During a Divorce?

When divorce is on the horizon, most couples typically start making lists and inventories of their personal property or things like cars, lawn equipment, furniture, artwork, jewelry, and other items that fill their home. Dividing up property can be complicated enough, especially if the couple owns multiple homes or their property is spread across various…


OK at Work: Workplace Investigations

This week on OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss workplace investigations. As a starting point, business owners should be aware of the issues that may trigger the need for an investigation. From there, any investigation that does occur should be carefully crafted and designed to meet the needs of a given situation…