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The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 7.8.13

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantQuestion:  Who should I select as Trustee of my trust? Answer:  In selecting a Trustee, you have a number of options. Of course it goes without saying that the first question to ask is always what is the objective of the trust as this will…


Are on-street parking bans enforceable?

This is a follow-up to my January 2013 Charlotte Observer article and blog post, in which a reader asked whether an HOA’s restrictive covenants can legally ban on-street parking in a community even if the streets are public rights-of-way.  My law partner Bob Turner shared with me this 1996 case that he came across that…


Read|Delete 7.5.13

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did do.  So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain


Are membership lists public?

Q: Our HOA has never made public the names and addresses for its members. Are we bound by North Carolina law to make this information available to all members of the HOA? There is nothing in our covenants or bylaws that addresses this issue, and we have a member who is requesting the membership roster….


The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 7.1.13

Question: Now that the Supreme Court in the Windsor decision has struck down DOMA’s (The Defense of Marriage Act’s) definition of marriage as being limited to a union between a man and a woman, what does this mean for estate planning for same sex couples? Answer: By striking down that definition, the Court has opened…


Offit Kurman corporate attorney Mike Mercurio represents cyber contractor Alapko, Inc. in sale to Subsystem Technologies, Inc.

Offit Kurman corporate attorney Mike Mercurio represents cyber contractor Alapko, Inc. in sale to Subsystem Technologies, Inc. On May 21, 2013, Annapolis–based government contractor Alapko, Inc. became a wholly owned subsidiary of Subsystem Technologies, Inc. (SUBSYSTEMs). About The Transaction: Having established a presence within a number of federal government agencies, including the Army, DHS, DOJ,…


Friday Factoid – 6.28.13

President Obama recently signed two new laws regarding trade secret protections.  The first law expands federal law to criminalize the misappropriation of a trade secret “related to a product or service used in or intended for use in interstate or foreign commerce.”  The second law increases the penalties for violating federal laws regarding trade secret…


Read|Delete 6.25.13

1. Steve Jobs             Apple             Say no to marketing research and focus groups. “Did Alexander Graham Bell do any market research before he invented the telephone?” 2. Bill Gates             Microsoft         Find very smart people and create small teams. 3. Fred Smith             Fed…


The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 6.24.13

Question:  I am going into a venture with a partner and I understand that I should have a buy-sell agreement?  What is that and what types of agreements are there? Answer:  It is generally a good idea to have a written agreement among the owners of a business in which each owner agrees that upon…


The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 6.17.13

Question:  Should the same person who is raising my children as guardian also be in charge of the financial assets? Answer:  Often times the people who are the most nurturing are not necessarily the best at handling money.  That being said, naming the same person as guardian of your minor children and the Trustee of…