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The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 7.22.13

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantQuestion:  I have a family business.  Certain children of mine are involved with the business and others are not.  How do I balance the inheritance and compensate the children who work in the business for their ‘sweat equity’ contribution? Answer:  This is not an uncommon…


Friday Factoid – 7.19.13

Disney earns a substantial amount of revenue in the form of licensing fees for its branded products.  In 2012, retail sales of licensed products based on Disney brands generated $39.4 billion, which is more than six times higher than the amount of comparable sales received by its nearest competitor. Overall, in 2012 the entertainment licensing…


Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) Issues in Maryland, Pennsylvania & More

There is a war that is currently raging, a war pitting the desire to increase our nation’s energy independence against concerns for the environment. So what started this war? Hydraulic Fracturing, better known as “Fracking,” a controversial method used to harvest natural gas. According to the Associated Press, over 3,000 new natural gas wells utilizing…


Avoiding a Strike when Requesting Concessions from a Union

Requesting concessions or “give backs” – typically re-negotiation of wages – from a union during negotiations can be one of the most difficult tasks for managers to accomplish, especially during an economic recession. This can take place following contract expiration, during negotiation of an initial contract, or even mid-term and is often countered by a…


Read|Delete 7.18.13

What Craft Beer Can Teach You about Business Growth: Best Advice from Jim Koch of Sam Adams* Never forget the product. “Re-invest in the process…Don’t take your eye off (the quality of ) the product.” Hire slowly and cautiously. Fire quickly. “What we have learned is that if people truly enjoy doing the things they…


Can an unsigned copy of the Will be accepted into probate?

It is already devastating enough when a beloved family member passes away. It is even more devastating when no one is able to locate neither the original Will nor a copy of the signed Will. What happens is these situations? Can an unsigned copy of the Will be accepted into probate? The “Harmless Error” Rule Section…


The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 7.15.13

Question:  What is a “Dynasty” Trust and what is it generally used for? Answer:  A Dynasty Trust is a trust that is intended to last for multiple generations for the purpose of building wealth.  As a little background, years ago Congress enacted a generation skipping transfer tax designed to curb the wealth building effects of…


Legislative Changes in North Carolina

The North Carolina legislature recently passed some new laws that will impact homeowners associations (HOAs). Below is a short summary of three of the laws that will become effective this year. Voluntary mediation House Bill 278 became effective July 1. This bill provides for voluntary mediation of disputes between an owner and the HOA in…


Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Approves Social Media for Company Disclosures

In July 2012, Netflix Inc. (NFLX) Chief Executive Officer Reed Hastings posted the company’s monthly viewership results on his Facebook page rather than as an approved Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing or news release, prompting more than a few people to question the legality of such an action. Hastings wrote that the company’s video-streaming…


Read|Delete 7.12.13

Picking the Best Fruit Most Private Equity executives agree that the ideal target is not a train wreck but a firm with just a few areas that need improvement. Sometimes a firm has grown too big and complex for the founder to manage alone. The company may need financing, help in streamlining systems and operations…