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The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 8.12.13

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantQuestion:  Now that the Supreme Court has struck down the section of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), what implications will this have for newly married same sex couples in states which recognize same sex marriage? Answer:  The Supreme Court’s opinion asserted that DOMA impacted…


Zoning Laws and your New Building

When it comes to zoning laws, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it could really be a chicken. Just because a building has previously been used for a commercial or industrial use does not mean your commercial use is automatically approved. The previous use may have been non-conforming (prior to…


Friday Factoid – 8.9.13

A new web site and app (UFaker) rewards people who report evidence of counterfeit goods and provides companies with a platform to track and share reports on counterfeit activity affecting their intellectual property assets. Source:


Employee Misclassification and Labor and Employment Law: Am I at risk?

According to the United States Department of Labor (DOL), 30% of employers are guilty of employee misclassification of independent contractors. Because of this, the DOL and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have joined forces and are working with states to coordinate enforcement efforts. Employers who misclassify employees are subject to liability for unpaid wages, as well…


Compensation and Compliance Matters- 8/9/13

Necessary Origination Policies – August 9, 2013


Financial Institution Compliance and Loan Officer Compensation

Last week, we discussed how the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) had released its State Coordinated Coordination Framework, outlining how the Bureau will extend its regulatory reach throughout each state. As we mentioned, this would have ramifications for businesses of all shapes and sizes. No longer would small businesses be able to fly under the…


What is a Dynasty Trust?

When it comes to estate planning, most people get overwhelmed trying to decipher the differences between each type of trust out there: revocable trusts, charitable trusts, spendthrift trusts, dynasty trusts, etc. There are so many trusts, each with their own purpose. So which makes the most sense for you and your objectives? Before making any…


CAI Seminar scheduled for August 20 – “Running a Darn Good Meeting”

The North Carolina Chapter of the Community Associations Institute is holding an HOA Board of Directors Seminar Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at the Employers Association located at 3020 West Arrowood Road, Charlotte from 5:00pm to 7:00pm . Presenter Jim Slaughter, will be speaking about how to run effective meetings—whether board or membership meetings— meetings can…


Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Issues among Government Contractors

While the United States economy has been slow to recover, government contractors have continued to thrive.  This stability has led to considerable Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) activity over the past few years. Government contractors, however, have all the challenges of other businesses with the additional challenges imposed by the vast array and complexity of government…


The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 8.5.13

Question:  What is a donor advised fund and can a donor advised fund help me to receive a year-end tax deduction for my charitable gift when I’m not sure I will know which charity I wish to support by such time? Answer:  A donor advised fund is often offered as an alternative to a full-fledged…