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What is a Buy-Sell Agreement?

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantIf you and a business partner are considering a joint venture, it is important to outline the parameters of that relationship, preferably in writing. This is what is known as a Buy-Sell Agreement. It is a written agreement among the owners of a company in…


How long does the developer retain control of the HOA?

Q: My home owners association (HOA) never held a members’ meeting to elect a board of directors after the developer’s five-year period of control ended in 2010. The developer-appointed board consists of the developer, his wife and son. The developer maintains that, according to the North Carolina Condominium Act, the term of office of the…


The Weekly Scenario from Steve Shane – 8.26.13

Question:  Can a child legally emancipate from his parents before the age of 18? Answer: The answer is yes.  The typical case is when a child joins the military or marries, but a child under 18 can choose to ‘divorce’ his parents thus becoming fully responsible for his own decisions (health care, living, schooling, etc). If…


Legal Q&A: August 26, 2013

  QUESTION My company usually hires fall interns who work without compensation. Does the law still allow this? ANSWER The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) states that the term “employ” means that when an individual is “suffered or permitted” to work, that individual must be compensated under the law for services performed. Internships in the…


Mergers and Acquisitions: The Anatomy of a Transaction from the Sell Side

In a merger or acquisition, there are two key players, the buyer (acquiring party) and the seller (party being acquired), although there are several additional parties involved, including the financial planner, accountant, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) consultant, and attorney. Each plays an important role in the process. However, in this article we will only be…


Labor and Employment Law FAQs: Is it legal to access Employee Emails?

Do you monitor employee emails? Is it even legal to do so? When, if ever, is it permissible to access employee emails? These are just a few of the questions employers frequently ask in regards to workplace communications. Many employers never think twice about accessing employee emails to verify the emails are strictly of a…


Friday Factoid – 8.23.13

FRIDAY FACTOIDS® is celebrating its first anniversary this week. FRIDAY FACTOIDS® is now registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and our messages are enjoyed by more than 1,000 subscribers. Thanks for your continued support. Source: USPTO Reg. No. 4,351,844 (Trademark Electronic Search System)


Franchise Agreements, Protected Territories, and Franchise Law

As part of your franchise agreement, you may be granted an exclusive, protected territory. The purpose of “protected territories” is to protect you, the franchisee. However, it is important to note that protected territories are not all the same. Every franchise agreement is different. So it is important to analyze the agreement before signing to ensure…


Insurance Recovery during Hurricane or Super Storm Season

Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy were the two costliest hurricanes in United States history, accounting for a combined $173 billion in damages. Of that, only a small percentage was actually insured. Storm victims without coverage found themselves forced to pay for many repairs out of pocket. At least those lucky enough to be properly insured were…


Compensation and Compliance Matters- 8/16/13

CFPB Institutes New Exam Procedures – August 16, 2013