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The Weekly Scenario: Maryland Estate Tax Changes

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantQuestion: What changes did the new legislation make to the Maryland estate tax under the new law that passed the other week? Answer:  Just to take you back, before the new law went into effect, a Maryland taxable estate that exceeded $1,000,000 would have owed…


Michael Mercurio’s Read|Delete: Memorial Day Facts For Arlington National Cemetery

Today we honor those who lost their lives in service to this country. This day of remembrance was first celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery on May 30, 1868 and was first named Decoration Day. Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. by the numbers: 1,196,793 total war casualties over, 300,000 of which are buried at Arlington National Cemetery 28 burials…


The Dreaded Bankruptcy Preference Demand: DON’T THROW IN THE TOWEL

Many of my business clients have been unlucky enough to not only be owed substantial money by a bankrupt company, but to also then receive a letter or lawsuit demanding the return of money paid by the bankrupt company to the client.  This is known as a preference demand or preferential avoidance action. The receipt…


Offit Kurman Attorney Russell Berger Featured in Bloomberg Businessweek Article

Offit Kurman attorney Russell Berger was quoted in the Bloomberg Businessweek article “The Latest Cheerleader to Sue a Football Team Says She Made $2 an Hour.” The article written by Patrick Clark, discusses the latest lawsuit filed by Tampa Bay Buccaneers cheerleader. Pierre-Val joined the squad in the spring of 2012 and claims that over…


Friday Factoid: Owners Rights in the James Bond Franchise

On April 3, 2014 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. and other owners of rights in the James Bond franchise filed a copyright infringement claim against NBCUniversal and others.  The complaint alleges that the defendants’ motion picture project (in active development) is a mere knockoff production that uses without authorization the characters, plots, theme, setting and other elements of works from…


Insurance Recovery Attorney discusses Fire and Smoke Damage Claims

Offit Kurman insurance recovery attorney represents businesses in a wide range of litigation issues, including efforts to recover money owed to them from their insurers. He has also written numerous articles on insurance coverage issues. In his most recent article, “Fire and Smoke Damage,” he discusses several common insurance scenarios. Fire and Smoke Damage Claims…


A Conversation with Reginald E. Waters, Co-founder, President & CEO, AED Inc.

Reginald Waters answered the call to serious entrepreneurship while still in college. With then Howard University classmate Terrence Brown, Reginald founded Advanced Engineering Design, Inc. – now “AED Inc.” – in 1991 while completing his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering. They set a lofty bar for themselves while still students: to create an enterprising program management consulting and engineering services…


Business Law and Transactions Attorney on Partnerships

Offit Kurman business law and transactions attorney Michael Mercurio was a recent guest on AHA Business Radio on Baltimore’s WJZ AM 1300, CBS Radio. Mercurio and host Alan Hirsh discussed business entities from sole proprietorships to C corporations and S corporations. During his time on the air Mercurio discussed partnerships and the issues that can…


Biz Tek Today From Michael Mercurio

News of Significance for Entrepreneurs  Capital (and the access to capital) is the life blood of every business.  Capital can come from many sources, one of which of course, is through investors.  Taking on investors and having an investment in your business is no small matter and is something that should be carefully considered.  This edition…


Using Non-compete and Non-disclosure Agreements to Protect Your Business’s Assets

For businesses, especially small businesses, former employees can pose a financial threat. If you’ve invested time and money into a team member, you would probably rather not allow that person to walk away with trade secrets, or steal profitable customers by starting a competing business nearby. To protect their assets, more and more businesses are…