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Compensation and Compliance Matters: CFPB Disregards Employment Classification to Find Kickbacks

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantLast week the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced another enforcement action aimed at “kickbacks” prohibited by the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. This time, it was a title company that had received referrals of title business from independent sales agents. What is particularly interesting about…


Read|Delete: Adidas vs. Nike For The World Cup

Nike is now the largest sportswear company in the world, with $25 billion in revenue and 17 percent market share. The second-largest, Germany-based Adidas, has $20 billion in revenue and 12 percent of the market. Combined they comprise 70 percent of the soccer gear market. Soccer was always Adidas’ market but Nike is closing in….


The clock can run out on HOAs’ ability to sue for defective work

Note: This is part two in a two-part series about condominium and HOA construction defects by my colleague Gregory L. Shelton, who practices construction law at Horack, Talley, Pharr & Lowndes, P.A. This first part covered common defects and their consequences. Now Greg explains how legal time limits can prevent the association or its owners from suing the parties…


Kurman Appointed to UMD Law Board

Howard Kurman, a labor relations and employment law attorney and co-founder of the firm of Offit Kurman, has been appointed to the Board of Visitors of the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. “I am honored and privileged to have received this appointment,” said Kurman. “After practicing law for more than 35…


Friday Factoid: Founding Fathers

Several of our nation’s Founding Fathers were also well-recognized inventors. Some of their inventions include a 16 sided threshing barn (George Washington), bifocals and the lighting rod (Benjamin Franklin) and the cipher wheel (Thomas Jefferson). Source: Forbes If you have any questions regarding the content of this communication, please contact Jonathan R. Wachs: | 301.575.0302If you…


Why Do I Need an Attorney for a Cybersecurity Issue

What is the number one issue keeping company directors up at night? Cybersecurity risk, according to a recent FTI Consulting survey. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed the news over the past year, as high-profile cyber attacks occur with increasing frequency. Notetaking software suite Evernote, for instance, recently suffered a…


Motivating Your Workforce, Part I: How Does Morale Get so Low?

For about four years between college and law school, I worked for a company that handed out laminated cards inscribed with its “Company Cheer.”  We were told that we could receive a $5 spot bonus if we were able to pull the card from our wallet upon request from a corporate executive.  And, at the…


Compensation and Compliance Matters: The Most Important Thing About Originating Non-QM Loans

What’s the most important thing about originating non-QM loans? Getting a third-party opinion. Simply put, it is what lenders always ask for — an opinion of a lawyer or accountant who opines on the legality or accuracy of some particular aspect of business operations. By obtaining such a letter, a business demonstrates that it intended…


Sara M. Donohue Honored by the Montgomery County Women’s Bar Association

Offit Kurman Principal attorney Sara Donohue was recently honored at the Montgomery County Women’s Bar Association Leaders and Legends banquet for her service as Past President.  The concept of the Leaders and Legends program is to honor those women who have contributed to the Montgomery County WBA and who have been instrumental in its growth…