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Weekly Scenario: Should You Roll Your Deceased Spouses IRA Into Your Own IRA?

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantQuestion: My husband died and I am named as the beneficiary of his IRA.  Is it more beneficial for me from an income tax standpoint to remain as the beneficiary of his IRA or to rollover his IRA into my own? Answer:  Minimum required distributions for…


Compensation and Compliance Matters: Why Predictable Compliance Infrastructure Is Key

I am finding that a fast way to a regulator’s heart is through a predictable and consistent compliance system. To be clear, I consider a compliance system predictable and consistent when it includes components that, while not necessarily automated per se, have definable and verifiable features that effectively control components of the compliance function without…


Compensation and Compliance Matters: Auto Case Shows CFPB Will Fine Lenders for Not Protecting Borrowers

The latest action against an auto lender underscores the CFPB’s expectation that lenders will affirmatively act to protect customers throughout and after the consumption of the transaction. In the instant case the CFPB fined a lender nearly $3 million as a result of flaws with its automated credit reporting system that was providing inaccurate information to credit…


Weekly Scenario: What Becomes of a Deceased Person’s Online Accounts

Question: You have referenced so called ‘digital’ assets in some of your blogs such as giving an agent authority over such assets in a power of attorney.  However I’d like to know what becomes of a deceased person’s online accounts (Twitter, email, facebook) after death?  Who has access to these accounts and what type of access…


Offit Kurman Attorney Michael Mercurio Advises SigInt Technologies on Sale to Novetta Solutions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Maple Lawn, MD – August 26, 2014– Mike Mercurio and Offit Kurman  announced today their role as sell side legal counsel to SigInt Technologies and its ownership on the sale to Novetta Solutions, a portfolio company of Arlington Capital Partners.  Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. Founded in 2005, SigInt…


Read|Delete: Five Key Rules for Demystifying the Acquisition Process

Pluralsight, the leading online provider of tech and creativity training for professionals just went on an M&A spree. They purchased four new companies in eight months. Through the process they developed five key rules for demystifying the acquisition process: Repeat what works- The most fundamental aspect of executing a successful acquisition is to find a model that…


Psychiatric Illness in the Workplace: a Guide for HR (Part 2)

It is no simple matter to confront psychiatric illness in the workplace. When an HR manager discovers that an employee is suffering from suicidal thoughts, substance abuse issues, or any other mental disorder, it not only results in an awkward, uncomfortable situation but brings up a mountain of legal issues related to disability and confidentiality….


What Would Your Executive Team Say About Your Leadership Style?

We asked five local captains of industry to weigh in on what their executive team would say about their leadership style. Here is what they had to say:   Chris Fedde President Hexis Cyber Solutions Detect, disrupt, remediate: defense from inside the network That’s a good question, so I asked someone who has been with me…


Friday Factoid: Duke University files Trademark Opposition to DUKE beverages from the Estate of John Wayne

When the USPTO intends to register a trademark, it publishes such intent in a public notice.  For 30 days after such notice, any person or entity who believes it would be harmed by the proposed registration may file a Notice of Opposition.  Duke University recently filed an opposition to challenge applications by John Wayne Enterprises,…


The “Right to Be Forgotten” Obligates Google to Remove Certain Search Results in Europe

Historically, individuals have had little control over their personal information after its publication online. Once a person’s data appears on the Internet, it tends to stay there, available to anyone who searches for it. That fact is starting to change overseas, as supporters of the contentious “right to be forgotten” are making inroads in Europe,…