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Compensation and Compliance Matters: Don’t Oversimplify MSA Compliance Issues

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantI have heard many in the industry make the comment that marketing agreements are illegal. With all due respect, as is often the case with blanket, absolute, oversimplified statements, that is simply wrong. The reality is that marketing agreements can be and often are perfectly…


Telebriefs®: NLRB Union Petitions

In December, 2014, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) announced significant rule changes in the way they will handle representation petitions filed by unions.  Without being overly technical here, the new rules essentially make it much easier for unions to organize a company’s employees. The new rules drastically shorten the period of time within which…


Post-closing Matters in M&A Transactions

Part VI in a seven-part series on the anatomy of an M&A deal from the seller’s perspective. To read Part I, which covers the basics of pre-transaction planning, click here. The day you sign away ownership of your business is a major milestone in the M&A process, but it is not the end of the…


Read|Delete: A Super Bowl Ad Really Is Worth $4 Million

Despite America’s love affair with Super Bowl commercials—many marketers believe their enormous cost is not worth the price. A 30-second spot is an eye-popping four million dollars while a 60-second spot goes for eight million dollars. And let’s not forget the cost of producing a Super Bowl commercial. The average Super Bowl spot has a…


Maximizing Value on The Sale of Your Business

Co-Authored by Herbert R. Fineburg and Sheldon H. Eveloff Every informed business owner or investor should have an “exit strategy” under consideration at all times.  Although the global financial crisis has delayed the exit plans of many business owners, their need to exit at some point in the future has not gone away.  Thankfully, most…


CEO Interview with Larry Letow, President & CEO, Convergence Technology Consulting, LLC

Stopping Data Loss at the Source “Destiny control” is one perk of entrepreneurship that appeals personally to Larry Letow, President and CEO of Convergence Technology Consulting. You could say that notion also extends to the mission at Convergence. From headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, Convergence arms client organizations with control – over the safety and integrity of…


Biz Tek Today: Career Entitlement & Millennials in Your Organization

“Career entitlement?” If you are not familiar with the term (like me), and you have or will have millennials in your organization, you should become familiar. Although, you may be more familiar with the experiences associated with the term than you may realize. The challenge in business is to create the right culture so that…


Friday Factoid: Lawsuit Filed Regarding Use of General Patton’s Name and Image in a Video Game

The claimed owner of George Patton’s rights of publicity recently sued a video game manufacturer for using Patton’s name, likeness and image in the video game HISTORY® Legends of War: Patton. Source: Complaint If you have any questions regarding the content of this communication, please contact Jonathan R. Wachs: | 301.575.0302. If you would like to subscribe to…


Executive Leaders Radio CEO Interview with Paul Villella Hosted by Offit Kurman

Executive Leaders Radio conducts “elite interviews” of prominent CEOs, CFOs, and Presidents focusing on “what makes people tick.” The ten to twenty-five minute on-air interviews are really informal POSITIVE conversations. Guests may be asked about their background education, influences, mentors and early career experiences, asked about their business, what they do and who they serve. They…


The Weekly Scenario: Best Time to Take Your Minimum Required Distribution

Question: I am over 70 ½ and am required to take my minimum required distribution (“MRD”).  Is it generally better to take my MRD earlier or later in the year? Answer: There isn’t really a right or wrong answer, it all depends on your situation. Argument in favor of waiting: From an investment standpoint, the longer your money…