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Expanding Your Franchise – Options – Part 3

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantFor many business owners, the decision to start a franchise is fraught with financial and legal risk. When your dreams of expansion come within reach, how can you make sure you are prepared for the challenges ahead? Offit Kurman franchising attorney Brian Loffredo is here…


Can HOAs spend money to fight rezoning projects nearby?

Q: Members of our community have been involved in a lawsuit over the possible installation of a solar-panel farm just outside the entrance to the community. We won the lawsuit based on the fact that 1) The solar farm would not be in “harmony” with the surrounding residential communities and 2) it would have a…


A Conversation with Alex Kopicki, Co-Founder and CEO of Kinglet

Solving the commercial real estate equation in the 21st century Alex Kopicki is the co-founder and CEO of Kinglet, a startup online marketplace for office space. Kinglet aims to revolutionize commercial real estate by simplifying the workspace leasing process. Founded in 2014, the company uses a peer-to-peer model popularized by sites such as Airbnb, connecting guests…


Compensation and Compliance Matters: CFPB Enforcement Action Trends to Watch Closely

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a supervision report in March that highlighted the agency’s enforcement action and other supervisory activities between July 2014 and December 2014. The CFPB noted that its supervisory activities during this period resulted in remediation to consumers in the amount of $19.4 million. The CFPB also identified the five main…


Biz Tek Today: Turning CFOs to CEOs

It is all about the numbers, right? In business, understanding the numbers and the messages/trends such convey is paramount. It is my experience, however, that many business people are afraid of or simply do not understand the numerical benchmarks of their business. While understanding the instant numbers is important; being able to use the numbers…


Friday Factoid: Marshawn Lynch Applies to Register His Oft-Used Catchphrase

One may file an “intent to use” application to seek the USPTO’s authorization to register a mark before the applicant commences use of the mark. On February 18, 2015, media averse Seattle Seahawks’ running back Marshawn Lynch applied for the USPTO to register I’M JUST HERE SO I WON’T GET FINED in connection with athletic…


How Small Businesses Can Reduce Their Third-Party Cybersecurity Liability

In a survey published last June, PricewaterhouseCoopers found that the majority of U.S. businesses are unprepared for a cybersecurity breach. Indeed, fewer than half (44%) have implemented processes for evaluating third parties before entering into agreements with them, and only 31% include security provisions in contracts with external vendors and suppliers. For small and mid-sized…


The Weekly Scenario: IRAs & Based Adjustments

Question: Do IRA’s receive a so-called based adjustment at the owner’s death? Answer: No, after an IRA owner dies, if he or she had tax basis, his beneficiary inherits that basis (not a basis adjustment based on a new fair market value), which is distributed tax free using the so-called ‘pro-rata’ tax rule. During an individual’s lifetime,…


Government, federal court complicate HOA pool rules

This week’s column was written by Michael Hunter’s law partner, Bill Hamel. Most swimming pools have a list of rules posted somewhere on the premises. We’ve all seen them. The rules contain common sense prohibitions against dangerous pool activities, such as having glass in the pool area and diving into the shallow end. And almost…


Read|Delete: Don’t Let March Madness Ruin Productivity

March Madness is the annual sporting event that captivates the nation and sends people scurrying to TVs and electronic devices. For over three weeks, more than 130 teams will compete for the national championships in two tournaments. The question is: how many people will be watching the games at work? An annual report estimates that…