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Read | Delete: Break for Lunch!

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantFewer than one in five North Americans break from work to have lunch, according to a recent Right Management survey. Increasing anxiety about workload and workplace demands drives us to skip lunch, says Michael Haid of Right Management. And, of course, grinding away nonstop all…


Executive Leaders Radio CEO Interview With Russell Logan Hosted By Offit Kurman

Executive Leaders Radio conducts “elite interviews” of prominent CEOs, CFOs, and Presidents focusing on “what makes them tick.” The ten to twenty-five minute on-air interviews are really informal POSITIVE conversations. Guests may be asked about their background education, influences, mentors and early career experiences, asked about their business, what they do and who they serve. They…


Impact of Social Media on Land Use and Zoning Cases

The proliferation of social media has transformed how the public perceives and disseminates information about proposed land use and zoning developments. Coupled with an increased public sensitivity to environmental issues, these changes have dramatically altered the commercial development process. In this video, Offit Kurman business and real estate attorney David A. Severn explains the impact…


Friday Factoid: Executive Order Issued to Enable Cybersecurity Sanctions

On April 1, 2015, President Obama issued an executive order that enables the Secretary of the Treasury (in consultation with the Departments of Justice and State) to impose sanctions on individuals overseas who conduct “malicious” cyberspace attacks that threaten our national security interests or financial networks. Sources:;   If you have any questions regarding the…


The Weekly Scenario: Tracking Contributions to Roth IRA

Question: How does IRS know/track whether a person contributed more than the allowable contributions limits to his Roth IRA? Answer: Beginning with a little context, individuals who wish to make a contribution to a Roth IRA may do so provided that such individual’s modified adjusted gross income (or “MAGI”) is below certain income limitations. For 2015,…


Why Join Offit Kurman?

What is the first step to delivering outstanding legal results? Start with the attorneys. At Offit Kurman, we believe that legal professionals perform better in a supportive, collaborative environment. That’s why we use a unique compensation model that rewards individual achievement, where each attorney earns merit based on what she or he does best. On…


What Is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Not all legal battles are won through litigation. Increasingly, businesses and individuals are choosing to resolve disputes through alternative means. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) encompasses every method, process, and tactic other than court proceedings parties use to reconcile conflicts and come to agreements. Examples of ADR include… Arbitration: parties submit their dispute to a third…


Executive Leaders Radio CEO Interview With Edwin Warfield Hosted By Offit Kurman

Executive Leaders Radio Conducts “Elite Interviews” Of Prominent CEOs, CFOs, And Presidents Focusing On “What Makes Them Tick.” The ten to twenty-five minute on-air interviews are really informal POSITIVE conversations. Guests may be asked about their background education, influences, mentors and early career experiences, asked about their business, what they do and who they serve. They…


Accommodations for Pregnant Employees

Supreme Court Clarifies Test for Disparate Treatment of Pregnant Employees The Pregnancy Discrimination Act makes clear that Title VII’s prohibition against sex discrimination applies to discrimination based on pregnancy.  On March 15, 2015, the Supreme Court issued a decision in UPS v. Young, No. 12-1226, in which it held that the Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibited…


Read|Delete: Clutter vs. Cleanliness

A wise man once wrote, “a clean desk is a sign of a cluttered mind.” The tidiness of your room may affect how you think. A messy environment is more likely to spark creativity. University of Minnesota researchers placed one group of study participants in an orderly room and another group in a cluttered room,…