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Friday Factoid: Supreme Court Maintains Ban on Collecting Royalties for Expired Patents

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantOn June 22, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a ruling on a dispute relating to a Spider-Man toy, reaffirmed a decades-old case that prevents patent holders from collecting royalties for expired patents. Under the prior ruling, if two parties sign a contract that calls…


When Can An Employer Take Action on the Basis of an Employee’s Social Media Activity?

The NLRB’s General Counsel Provides Guidance What differentiates a bellyaching Facebook status from protected speech for the purposes of legally protected activity or collective bargaining?  And when can an employer decide it’s had enough and take action to stop the offensive and hurtful posts? These are just a couple of the difficult questions raised by…


A Video Conversation with Daniel Freedman About His Role As Chief Strategy Officer at Apploi

Click here for part 1 and part 2 Reinventing how applicants find jobs and organizations find talent in the employment ecosystem Daniel Freedman is the chief strategy officer and head of business development at Apploi, a networking platform that connects job-seeking professionals with recruiters at burgeoning organizations. The app allows applicants to fill out one…


The Legal Minute Video Series: When the “Perfect” Couple Gets a Divorce

Gwen and Gavin. Ben and Jen. Blake and Miranda. These are only a sample of the recent celebrity splits to dominate internet searches and supermarket magazine headlines. It’s not a new phenomenon, either; 20 years later, we’re still talking about Princess Di and Prince Charles’ divorce. Why do we care? Celebrities seem to have it…


A Video Conversation with Peter Bowe, President and CEO of Ellicott Dredges – Part 1

Steering the dredge manufacturing industry, spearheading executive development initiatives Peter Bowe is the president and CEO of Ellicott Dredges. For 130 years, Ellicott has manufactured dredges and dredging equipment. The company is part of the fabric of American history: its dredges helped dig the Panama canal, as President Obama mentioned during his visit to the…


Read | Delete: Small Percentage of Women CEOs

A report out by Pew Research sheds some new light on why there are few women CEOs. A vast majority of men and women agree that gender does not play a role in a person’s ability to lead a business. Some 80% of men and women surveyed by Pew said that neither men or women…


A Video Conversation with Terry Hickey, President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake

Click here for Part 1 Transforming the lives of children facing adversity Terry Hickey is the President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake. A local affiliate of the youth mentoring 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, BBBSGC nurtures children in adverse circumstances by providing them with dedicated…


Best Lawyers in America Names Thirteen Offit Kurman Attorneys to Its 2016 List

Offit Kurman is pleased to announce that 13 of the firm’s attorneys have made the 2016 list of the Best Lawyers® in America. Based on over 5.5 million attorney peer reviews, the list is widely regarded by clients and professionals as a leading, unbiased source of legal referrals nationwide. This year, Offit Kurman would like…


Biz Tek Today: Determine If Advice Is Good Advice

I am a believer that answers to our most of our questions are out there waiting to be found. That few problems require us to “reinvent the wheel” to solve. Rather, in this age where information is readily available, how do we discern what information is actually good information? Business owners, most of whom find…


Compensation and Compliance Matters: Here’s One Thing the CFPB Gets Right

There are many concerning aspects of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s methods, not the least of which include its proclivity to regulate via enforcement and its reliance on overly broad and ambiguous language to support its activities. But when it comes to regulating Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices, the CPFB’s actions have, for the…