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The Weekly Scenario: Withdrawing Funds from IRA For a Charitable Contribution

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantQuestion: While perhaps a more appropriate question the week before the end of the year as opposed to the week after, I wanted to know if I able still able to withdraw funds from my IRA to make a charitable contribution? Answer: Whether you are able…


Super Lawyers Names 34 Offit Kurman Attorneys to 2016 Lists

Offit Kurman is pleased to announce that 34 of the firm’s attorneys have been named to Super Lawyers lists in 2016. These three dozen attorneys exemplify leading talent in Offit Kurman’s diverse legal services areas and practice out of the firm’s various offices across the Mid-Atlantic region. Additionally, Super Laywers recognized three Offit Kurman family…


A Video Conversation with Roger Kauffman, CEO of Electric Motor Repair Company

Providing commercial equipment, parts, and repairs to the region’s businesses for over 85 years Roger Kauffman is the CEO of Electric Motor Repair Company (EMR), a service company based in Baltimore, Maryland. For more than 85 years, EMR has served generations of businesses across the Mid-Atlantic region. The company splits its service areas into two…


A Video Conversation with Kelly Leonard, CEO of Taylor-Leonard, Part 2, The Golden Rules of Networking

Click here for Part 1 Empowering customers with the tools and training to achieve operational efficiency Kelly Leonard is the CEO of Taylor-Leonard Corporation. Headquartered in Montgomery County, MD, Taylor-Leonard offers training, business development, and technology consulting that helps customers leverage their networks, reduce ambiguities, and increase operational performance. The company engages in a number…


Ed Talks: Purchase Agreement for the Acquisition of Commercial Real Estate

Welcome to “Ed Talks,” a new video series by Offit Kurman business and real estate attorney Ed Bloom. In these short, 5–10 minute segments, Ed dissects real estate-related legal topics to offer practical, easy-to-grasp advice for tenants, landlords, developers, business owners, and anyone else who may be involved in a real estate transaction. With over…


Read | Delete: Small Business 2016 New Year’s Resolutions

The start of a new year is always a good time to consider what we want to accomplish in the coming year, in both our business and personal lives. There are five ways to plan for the future that will help you accomplish a lot in your business. Prepare for transition Know what your business…


Happy New Year from Offit Kurman!


HOA boards should be reasonable with fines

Note: This week’s column was written by my law partner, Keith Nichols. Q. I just learned my association has been assessing fines against me for what it claims to be a violation of my neighborhood’s rules. Although I received a letter informing me of the alleged violation several months ago, I have heard nothing else…


Telebriefs®: Exempt vs. Nonexempt Employees

How to legally classify and manage your hourly and salary employees Over the last six months, employers and employer groups have been up in arms about the Department of Labor’s proposed revisions to the so-called white-collar exemptions.  This intended revision will disrupt how employers classify their salaried and hourly employees as either exempt or nonexempt. …


The Weekly Scenario: Death Before Signing a Will

Question: My sister died as a Maryland resident before she signed her Will. My brother was going to be named executor, so he has visited the attorney who drew up the Will without conferring with us. They have sent my other brother and I a renunciation form instructing us to sign, notarize and return. There…