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M & A Nuggets: Purchase Price Allocations

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantIf you intend to purchase the assets of a business, there is a crucial business issue that is unrelated to any legal matter in the contract, the outcome of which could result in savings or loss to you of hundreds, thousands or millions of dollars,…


Read | Delete: Presidents’ Day or Washington’s Birthday?

In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, which moved the official observance of Washington’s birthday from Feb. 22 to the third Monday in February. Some reformers had wanted to change the name of the holiday as well, to Presidents’ Day, in honor of both Lincoln and Washington, but that proposal was rejected by Congress,…


30 Days Into TRID, What Do We Know Now?

Questions & Answers Since the implementation of the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (“TRID”) rules, we have received hundreds of questions concerning the new disclosure requirements.  Below is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions and answers.  For additional information or advice on navigating TRID, please contact Daniella Casseres at Q. Do you need to…


Biz Tek Today: Fully Embracing Technology

Technology is our friend, right? For me, it is a love/hate relationship. However, regardless of our personal successes with technology (or lack thereof), the need to embrace technology and remain on the forefront of development is paramount for our businesses. Technology touches all parts of our lives and our business. In the competitive world, every…


Friday Factoid: Who’s on First? Claim Misses First Base

A play now on Broadway (Hand of God) includes a scene in which a sock puppet performs an excerpt from the comedy routine Who’s on First? The routine was made popular in the 1940s by comedians Bud Abbott & Lou Costello. The heirs of Abbott & Costello filed a lawsuit claiming the play infringes upon…


Meet Offit Kurman’s Founders – Part 1

In 1987, brothers Maurice Offit and Theodore “Ted” Offit founded a two-person legal practice in a small office just outside Baltimore, Maryland. The brothers ran the entire business, from providing legal counsel to managing the day-to-day operations. Shortly thereafter, they were joined by their childhood friend, Howard Kurman. Little did they know what was to become of their modest, legal practice….


The Weekly Scenario: Living Will & Power of Attorney

Question: What is the difference between a living will and durable power of attorney for health care? Answer:  A Living Will (sometimes referred to as a medical directive) is a document in which a person states whether or not life-sustaining procedures should be used to prolong the individual’s life.  Modern medicine is allowing people to…


A Video Conversation with Anna Zornosa, CEO and Founder of Ruby Ribbon- Part 1

Tapping into social commerce to empower women to feel and look their best Anna Zornosa is the founder and CEO of Ruby Ribbon, a social commerce apparel company based in Burlingame, CA and New York City. With a network of independent stylists across the country, Ruby Ribbon delivers personalized, at-home shopping experiences to millions of…


What Buyers Need to Know About M&A Due Diligence and Letters of Intent

This is Part III in my six-part series on the anatomy of an M&A deal from the buyer’s perspective. To read Part II, which covers screening and valuation, click here. Buyers who are serious about merging with or acquiring a company typically express their interest to the target through a letter of intent (LOI). As…


A Video Conversation with Yuval Boger, CEO of Sensics on Their Revenue Model- Part 3

Click Here for Part 1, Part 2 Bringing virtual reality to life since the late 1990s Yuval Boger is the CEO of Sensics. A recognized leader in industries such as aerospace and education, Sensics has been developing head-mounted, panoramic virtual reality (VR) displays for nearly 20 years. Yuval joined the company in 2006, helping to…