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Is that really a “service animal”?

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantWe have published posts in the past about service animals, and how protective the federal government is of people’s rights to take them into public and private spaces: I personally have encountered cases of people buying these fake “service animal” certificates and harnesses…


Mike Mercurio Offers Advice About Exit Planning in His AHA! Business Radio Interview- Part 1

Every Tuesday from 6–7pm, Baltimore’s CBS Sports Radio airs AHA! Business Radio, a show produced by Allan Hirsh Advisors. Hosted by the eponymous Allan Hirsh, AHA! Business Radio offers expert advice to business leaders and features interviews with visionary regional executives, founders, entrepreneurs, innovators, and changemakers. AHA! Business Radio’s February 18, 2016 broadcast featured a…


Compensation and Compliance Matters: Court Ruling Reignites Underwriter Compensation Fight

Whether certain loan officers are exempt from minimum wage and overtime compensation is an argument that is officially entering into its sixth year, with little hope of an agreement emerging any time soon. The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals concluded on March 2 that underwriters are engaged in the general management or operations of…


A Video Conversation with Sean McDade, CEO of PeopleMetrics- Part 3- On Content Marketing

Click here for Part 1, Part 2 Transforming the customer experience through software, services and insights Sean McDade is the founder and CEO of PeopleMetrics. With headquarters in Philadelphia, PeopleMetrics turns customer feedback into actionable insights that enables companies to improve the customer experience.  PeopleMetrics customer experience management software is used by thousands every day to increase…


Friday Factoid: Groupon Reveals Proprietary Consumer Deals

Groupon created a highly unique and proprietary set of offerings that consumers can buy only in early April.  Such items include rides in a time machine, the rental of two monkeys for a week and “reverse coupons” that let consumers pay extra for goods and services. Source: If you have any questions regarding the…


Unions Win in Supreme Court 4-4 Ruling

In an unsurprising yet anti-climactic decision, the Supreme Court on Monday, March 30, 2016, upheld a lower federal court decision in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association,  which empowers public sector unions to collect mandated fees from bargaining unit employees who desire to not join such unions.  In a 4 to 4 decision, the Court published…


The Weekly Scenario: Estate Tax Credit in D.C.

Question: The District of Columbia seems to be one of the last holdouts in revamping its estate tax laws to coincide with the increased federal estate tax credit.  Has D.C. considered modifying its estate tax credit (currently $1,000,000 per person) to parallel with the higher federal estate tax exemption amount? Answer: In 2014, the Washington,…


Recent Supreme Court Decision Puts Employers at More Risk for Class Action Lawsuits

On March 22, 2016, the United States Supreme Court determined that courts can use statistical estimates when establishing liability in class-action cases against companies. A class action lawsuit when a group of people with similar complaints sue the defendant as a group. In this specific case, Tyson Foods, Inc. v. Bouaphakeo, former and current employees…


Maurice Offit’s Video Series: Placing a Lien on Your Company’s Assets

Offit Kurman co-founder Maurice Offit is more than a member of the firm’s leadership team. He is also an experienced estate planning attorney who advises clients on estate administration and asset protection matters, helping clients minimize their taxes and claims by creditors. Over the years, his thorough, client-first perspective has earned him recognition as a…


A Video Conversation with Ashton Newhall, Managing Partner of Greenspring Associates- Part 3- On Funding

Click here for Part 1, Part 2 Building a billion-dollar investment firm by putting trust and relationships first Ashton Newhall is the co-founder and co-managing partner of Greenspring Associates. Founded in 2000, Greenspring is a leading global investment firm that today manages over $3.5 billion in capital commitments worldwide. Greenspring acts primarily as a fund…