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Important Details about Taxes and Divorce

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantAccording to the IRS website: you are jointly and individually responsible for any tax, interest, and penalties due on a joint return for a tax year ending before your divorce. Final tax advice and decisions that affect taxes should be made after consultation with an…


The Weekly Scenario: Questions About Revocable Trusts

Question: My mother created a revocable trust which names her as the sole Trustee. The trust provides that at her death, the assets of the trust will be divided among her four children. My mother needs the income from the trust for her support right now and has changed the investment allocation to invest heavily in…


Biz Tek Today: Launching Your Next Business

          It is natural to want to hold tight to our business “baby”. After all, it is our creation and no one loves our baby as much as we do. However, as we all know, holding onto something too tightly can stymie or even smother our treasured possession (see the article…


Dissecting The Deal: Integration Planning

Michael N. Mercurio, Esq. is the head of Offit Kurman’s Anatomy of the Deal, a series of exclusive events for entrepreneurs, owners, and C-level officers interested in learning more about mergers, combinations, and joint ventures for small and mid-sized companies. Mr. Mercurio provides business strategy and legal counsel to businesses going through a merger or an…


Friday Factoid: World’s Greatest Brands Series- Halloween Edition

[quiz-cat id=”25907″]             If you have any questions regarding the content of this communication, please contact Jonathan R. Wachs: | 301.575.0302. If you would like to subscribe to receive Friday Factoids® in your inbox click here.


The Entrepreneur’s Lab Video Series: Company’s Name

“The Entrepreneur’s Lab” is a one-minute video series aimed at offering practical guidance and thought leadership to entrepreneurs and business owners.  Each installment of “The Entrepreneur’s Lab” touches on a different topic related to entrepreneurship, the business lifecycle, mergers and acquisitions, business valuation, organizational management, and more. Mr. Mercurio utilizes his experience as a frequent…


LawMatters- October 2016

October has been another bustling month here at Offit Kurman. By month’s end we will have added a total of eight new lawyers in the Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland regions. Our firm’s continuous growth in attorneys and staff throughout the Mid-Atlantic means you can access a greater reservoir of legal talent than ever before. With this…


M & A Nuggets: Real Estate Issues-No. 4

This nugget is the fourth in a series discussing real estate issues related to the purchase of a business that uses real estate owned by the seller or its owner.  This nugget will discuss ongoing tax issues that can arise during the term of a lease. In most states, including Maryland, real estate has specific…


Focus on the Children When Co-Parenting: Keeping Balance and Managing Frustration

Co-parenting after a divorce can be a very complex matter, especially if contention exists between the parents. Much of what a child will experience depends upon the interactions between the parents and how they treat one another. Here are some important tenets of co-parenting. Focus on the psychological well-being of the child. It is always best…


For Buyers, the End of an M&A Transaction Is Only the Beginning

This is the final installment in my six-part series on the anatomy of an M&A deal from the buyer’s perspective. To read Part V, which covers closing considerations, click here.   You have identified a target business, completed due diligence, secured financing, and wrapped up negotiation and, after several months, the deal has finally drawn…