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What’s New in Estate Planning? Notable Local Law Changes

D.C. Adopts the Uniform Electronic Wills Act: Electronic Wills in D.C. – it’s the law! . . but should it be? As of March 10, 2023, the “Uniform Electronic Wills Amendment Act of 2022” (Law 24-296) became effective in the District of Columbia.  With it, D.C.’s pandemic-inspired, emergency legislation allowing virtual will signings was formally…


IRS Proposes to Make Monetized Installment Sales a List Transaction

I know. I know.  Your reaction is probably, “Huh? Do what? I don’t even know what a monetized installment sale is, why should I care.”  As my partnership tax professor, Theodore Seto always says, “To understand the rule, you have to know the game that is being played.”   The Problem and the Game: Here’s…


Expanding Your Business To The U.S.: Should You Form A U.S. Legal Entity?

Originally posted on 01/23/2020, content updated on 08/11/2023 In my practice as a corporate lawyer in New York, I represent many European and other foreign companies and entrepreneurs who are doing business in the U.S. If you are a foreign company and want to expand your business to the U.S., or an advisor to such…


M&A Nuggets: The Drag-Along

In a sale structured as a stock purchase, most acquirors want to purchase one hundred percent of the ownership interests in the seller.  That is why, if a seller has any minority owners, it is important to include a drag-along clause in the agreement among the owners of the seller…


Divorce in New Jersey – Pretrial Motions and Applications

Originally posted on 2/26/2019, no content changes. Only one to two percent of all divorces go to trial and will ultimately be decided by a Judge. The other ninety-eight percent will be resolved by agreement of the parties as a result of some pretrial procedure or by mediation, arbitration or settled as the trial is…


“I Want My Day in Court! – But Are You Sure About That?”

It’s become part of our vocabulary…a phrase said by those demanding justice, vindication and validation: “I want my day in court!” However, when it comes to divorce, should that really be the case? Is having your day in court really worth the time, the money, the risk, and the emotional rollercoaster it could send you…


OK at Work: The Benefits of Corporate Documents

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the advantages that business owners can obtain when they use their corporate documents to plan for certain issues that are likely to arise.  This is especially true for matters related to the relationship between co-owners, particularly when it comes to exiting the company….


Divorce in New Jersey – ESP, Mediation and Arbitration

Originally posted on 3/15/2019, no content changes Alternative dispute procedures can be very effective in settling your case before trial, which should be every divorce litigant’s goal. Trials take a very long time to be scheduled, are often not completed in consecutive days, usually require several days of testimony over several months, are typically extremely…


M&A Nugget: The Best Fit

Most business transitions are accomplished by a sale to a third party.  The merger and acquisition is, however, one of several ways that an owner can transition a business.  The question is – what is the best fit for the owner?  There are other alternatives that should be considered, if applicable.  Does the owner have…


Protecting your Home with a Pre-Nuptial Agreement

It is increasingly more common for at least one person in a couple to have purchased his or her home prior to the parties’ marriage. Often, such a purchase occurs years in advance of the parties even meeting each other. In cases such as these, a pre-nuptial agreement is necessary to preserve that person’s home…