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About to Sell Your Business? Don’t Schedule Vacation Yet

Perhaps, you’re like a number of business sellers I’ve worked with and you’re planning to exit your company. If you’re a business owner and you’ve already received a letter of intent (LOI) from an interested buyer, a massive payday may appear to be right around the corner. I’m sure it seems like the perfect occasion…


Navigating Overtime Regulations: Plaintiffs Challenge Department of Labor’s New Overtime Rule

On May 21, 2024, a significant event unfolded in the legal landscape as several plaintiffs filed a lawsuit challenging the Department of Labor’s (DOL) new overtime rule.  This rule, which raises the salary threshold for professional and highly compensated employee exemptions, is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2024. The rule, in essence, stipulates that a…


Navigating Tough Lending Markets: Financing Strategies for Warehouse Buildouts

In the ever-evolving landscape of commercial real estate, securing financing for warehouse buildouts can be challenging. It has become increasingly challenging in the current market with persistent inflation, rising interest rates, and tightening lending standards in response to economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuating market demands. However, navigating these hurdles is possible…


Upcoming Deadlines/Changes to DC Employment Law

The District of Columbia takes a very active approach to regulating the employer-employee relationship, which frequently results in new obligations being imposed on employers. These obligations can oftentimes be difficult for small and mid-market businesses to monitor. Despite this difficulty, the DC Government has become increasingly more aggressive in bringing enforcement actions against employers. Therefore,…


OK at Work: Suing for Damages vs. Seeking Injunctive Relief

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the differences between suing for damages and seeking injunctive relief as well as the strategic considerations behind both. Listen to learn more. 


Home State Jurisdiction and the UCCJEA: Ensuring Stability in Child Custody Matters

In the arena of family law, child custody disputes often present some of the most challenging issues. To provide clarity and uniformity across state lines, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) was enacted. Central to the UCCJEA is the concept of “home state jurisdiction,” which serves as the cornerstone for determining the…


Dividing Luxury Personal Property

Divorce proceedings can be complex and emotionally charged, particularly when substantial assets are involved. Among the most challenging items to divide are luxury personal properties such as art, automobiles, yachts, and airplanes. These high-value assets not only represent significant financial investments but also often carry sentimental value and symbolize a particular lifestyle. Properly navigating the…


Is your M&A Attorney an Advisor or a Consultant?

Originally posted on 12/4/2020. For many people, selling a business is their largest, lifetime financial transaction. And typically, it is a one-time event. And further, most people have little experience with this transaction type. Consequently, surrounding oneself with good advisors and advisory teams is paramount. An M&A sale is essentially one really large commercial transaction. …


OK at Work: How to Manage Managers

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the importance of and challenges that businesses face when managing managers. Listen to learn more. 


3 Questions and 3 Pieces of Advice: In a Hot M&A Market, Is Now the Time to Sell Your Business?

The M&A market has been very robust over the last few years.  This year the market is still receptive to deals.  With all of the momentum this M&A momentum, many business owners have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to retire wealthy. To take advantage of that opportunity, however, owners need to act fast. The market won’t stay…