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M&A Nugget: The #MeToo Representation

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantThe representations and warranties in an acquisition agreement customarily include a section on labor and employment matters, including statements that the seller has paid all employees, operated employee benefit plans in compliance with the law and complied with all other labor and employment laws.  More recently,…


The Weekly Scenario: After My Death, What Digital Property Laws Are There?

Question: Are there uniform laws that deal with my ‘digital’ (cloud-based) assets after my death? Answer:  Digital property (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) have taken the place of photo albums, diaries and journals. Digital property is stored by technology companies and is subject to terms of service agreements between the user and the company. Historically, these companies could…



Jamie Lynch came to the Rotary Club of Columbia Patuxent last Friday to talk about its Hospice service. Gilchrist provides, among other things, end of life care. I forget exactly the words they use, but the message is to make the most of living the rest of your life. They treat not only the terminal…


LawMatters – August 2018

With August drawing to a close, families across the country are getting ready to send their children back to school. But this time of year doesn’t need to be all shopping trips and parent-teacher meetings. Back-to-school season is a great time for all of us—regardless of age, family status, or formal education level—to prioritize our…


Mid-Atlantic M&A Round-Up: Summer 2018 Edition

It’s been a busy summer for the attorneys of Offit Kurman’s Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Practice Group. In fact, as deal-making activity in the Mid-Atlantic region continues to skyrocket, the M&A team lead by corporate attorney Michael N. Mercurio, and consisting of Chair of the Business Transaction practice Group Glenn Solomon, Bankruptcy Practice Group Chair James M….


Mr. Syed named to the Fantastic Four of Immigration by ABA Section of International Law

Angela Benson, Director of Membership at the American Bar Association Section of International Law, introduces four outstanding immigration lawyers: HERE “Meet the Fantastic Four of Immigration: ABA Section of International Law members Mohammad Ali Syed, Jacqueline R. Bart Immigration Lawyer, Lisette Lavergne, and Sergio R. Karas”


BWN and WBA Networking at Food Plenty

Members of the Business Women’s Network of Howard County and the Women’s Bar Association of Howard County gathered for a joint networking event at Food Plenty in Clarksville. While these two groups do not regularly get together, you’d never know it by the level of conversation and laughter that ensued. August is a month in…


Read Delete: U.S. Valuation Milestone

Every U.S. valuation milestone since 1781, including Apple’s ascent to $1 trillion: Source: Visual Capitalist   Have an interesting, fast fact for a business audience? Please send and share it with our 1,600+ subscribers. Click here to subscribe to Read|Delete and receive fast facts delivered weekly.   ABOUT MIKE MERCURIO Mike Mercurio | |…


Female Litigators


Divorcing FERS: Refunds & Rollovers of FERS Contributions

When negotiating a divorce property settlement with a spouse employed under the Federal Employment Retirement System (FERS), it is important to know the available options [1] regarding FERS benefits. By law, all federal employees under FERS contribute a percentage of their salaries to FERS, and these contributions are deducted automatically. Typically, the marital share of…