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In A Newly Released Documentary Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Unions

Originally posted on 11/03/2020, content updated on 09/15/2023 In the 2018 full-length documentary about the life of Pope Francis entitled Francesco, Pope Francis, for the first time, openly shares his belief that the LGBT community should not only be freely welcomed into the Church, but that the Church needs to embrace, accept and recognize civil unions…


Skin-to-Skin Contact Recap

If there’s one worry every new parent shares, that worry might be sleep—or, rather, the lack of it. When the disturbances are unpredictable, the needs incommunicable, and the stress overwhelming, a baby’s crying drowns out everything else. Forget work, chores, quality time, or your own sleep schedule. Getting your baby to doze off can become…


Handwritten Wills and the Couch Cushions that Hide Them

No doubt, the basic scenario plays out every day across America. An elder loved one passes, and an adult child or children are left to deal with an estate and no plan in place — or at least no apparent plan.  What to do with mom’s comfy chair? How much is that old couch worth?…


Buyer Beware: What Homebuyers Should Know About Latent Defects

With “home buying season” now firmly in the rearview mirror, first-time home buyers and repeat buyers alike are continuing to settle into their new homes. For first-time homebuyers, in particular, the task of purchasing a home can easily and understandably appear to be a daunting one—to say the least. Many first-time homebuyers have genuine fears…


What’s a Healthcare Proxy and Why Should You Have One?

Originally posted on 12/10/2020, content updated on 09/13/2023 It is vital to have a proper health care directive in place in the event you become sick and cannot independently advise your health care providers of your wishes.  In 1991, the New York Health Care Proxy Law established the right for an adult to nominate another…


Show me the Money: Three Important Employee Pay Requirements

Perhaps nothing in work is more fundamental except pay. Employees expect to be paid properly – and employers face significant risk and consequences if correct payment does not occur. The Department of Labor’s recent proposed rule change relating to overtime has many implications for employers seeking to award overtime pay in a compliant manner. While…


OK at Work: Department of Labor’s Increased Salary Threshold Proposal

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss the Department of Labor’s proposed increases to the standard salary level for exempt-white collar exemptions and the total annual compensation requirements for the “highly compensated employee.” If enacted, these changes would impact a significant number of employees nationwide. Listen to learn more about…


Understanding the Necessity of a Pre-Nup

Originally posted on 5/21/2018, no content changes In Pennsylvania, pre-nuptial agreements meeting the statutory requirements are generally enforceable and the best way to provide peace of mind prior to a marriage. The main reasons a pre-nuptial agreement may be necessary include: Protecting existing (pre-marital) assets; Protecting against potential future support obligations (spousal support, alimony pendente…


Case Study Of Fiduciary Abuse In A Closely-Held Corporation: How The Palm Got Out Of Hand

The Palm, a family-owned steakhouse opened in 1926, became first a New York institution, and then a powerhouse national and worldwide brand as the concept was rolled out from the original Second Avenue location by the grandchildren of the founders. As so often happens with successful multi-generational family businesses, control, and management of The Palm,…


M&A Nugget: Dissenters’ Rights

In Maryland, and other states, a stockholder who does not believe that the purchase price to be paid by an acquirer is fair value has the right to object to the sale and receive payment for the fair value of the stock. The basic procedure for a stockholder to invoke that right is to object…