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Abuse Remedies in Maryland: The Peace & The Protective Order

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantFor those suffering the horrors of domestic violence, Maryland law offers two primary remedies: the peace order and the protective order. One’s eligibility for either order is contingent upon a showing of abuse. Maryland statute defines abuse as (i) any act that causes serious bodily…


Everything Landlords Should Know About Virginia’s New Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements

Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are nothing new. Such devices have saved countless lives and can be found in virtually every home and workplace in the United States. It wasn’t until 2018, however, that Virginia adopted a statewide standard for the installation and maintenance of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in rental properties. Although…


Help Wanted!

With the explosive growth of residential development over the last 20 years or so in the greater Charlotte region (and elsewhere), there has been a tremendous increase in the number of community and condominium associations, commonly referred to as “HOAs.” While the members of some communities choose to manage their HOA themselves, the vast majority…


Saturday Side Hustle: Naming Your Business

For the past several weeks, I have written about corporate structures and things to think about when planning for the future. While these are topics worth covering, they are dry…so let’s start with something a little more fun. When thinking about organizing your business, there is always one question, try as you might, you won’t…


Offit Kurman Continues Growth with Affiliation with Schreibstein and Tucker

Offit Kurman Continues Growth with Affiliation with Schreibstein and Tucker Maple Lawn, MD | November 1, 2018 Offit Kurman is pleased to announce that the attorneys of Schreibstein and Tucker have agreed to join Offit Kurman’s Howard County office in Maple Lawn, Maryland. On the heels of recent expansions for Offit Kurman in New York…


Friday Factoid Quiz: Veterans Day

One hundred years ago, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11:11 am, World War I ended.  We now mark this occasion each year with Veterans Day.  Test your knowledge of intellectual property relating to this national holiday and our nation’s armed forces.   [quiz-cat id=”67488″]   If you have any questions, please…


The Gimme – Negotiated Procurements

  For negotiated procurements (under FAR Part 15), a procuring agency is required to provide disappointed offerors a debriefing with key information regarding the award and evaluation of proposals, if the debriefing was requested in writing within three days of the notice of award.     If you have questions about this or any other…


The Legal Dose: U.S. Cannabis – Companies With Access to Banking

Many plant touching and ancillary businesses in the cannabis industry now utilize banking services from traditional banks. It is unclear how many plant touching and/or ancillary businesses self-report their involvement in the cannabis industry when opening accounts, but those banking establishments willing to provide financial services to cannabis operations charge enhanced premiums for the privilege….


Law School Admission Test Changing

The required test for admission to most law schools is going electronic. The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) announced recently that in January 2019 the exam will be completely administered via electronic tablet. This change is remarkable given the LSAT’s long history of testing by paper. LSAC contends that test-takers will be able to receive…


Good Scout

Last Friday, Cole Schnorf was named the Good Scout for 2018. Cole was introduced by his 4 children, each of whom shared personal anecdotes about their Dad.  He is a man of routine, of structure, of discipline, and pretty fun in the outdoors.   He is currently the COO and Director of Development with Manekin, LLC….