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Healthy Businesses Lead to Successful Sales: Business Ownership Maintenance is Key

What does getting your car its annual safety inspection and selling a business have in common? More than seems obvious. Many states require annual safety inspections for vehicles. Maryland is one of the states that does NOT have this annual safety inspection. In Maryland, your vehicle does not need to be safety inspected until you…


Custody and Relocation in Pennsylvania

Originally posted on 3/14/2018, no content changes Relocation with a child in Pennsylvania is a complicated issue involving whether or not the parent who is relocating has primary physical custody and whether the location of his/her new residence will impact the visitation time of the parent who has partial physical custody, or any other party…


Housing Voucher Programs and What You Need to Know About Them

In previous newsletters, I have discussed inflation and the rising costs of housing statewide and the effects it has had on individuals, as well as the call for legislation concerning rent control and other renter protections. Keeping on trend, in this blog post, I will be discussing what has been termed “income source discrimination.” Income…


M&A Nugget: Non-Competes- “The Reverse”

Buyers of businesses typically require the target and its owners to sign non-compete agreements which restrict the seller and its owners from competing after the closing.  Those agreements obviously benefit the buyer.  Non-compete provisions must, however, also be examined from a different perspective.  As part of due diligence, the buyer examines the seller’s contracts to…


Government Shutdown and Immigration Impacts 2023

Once again, the federal budget impasse in Congress is getting closer to a Government shutdown if an agreement is not met before September 30, 2023. If no legislation is passed by that date, then another Government shutdown is inevitable. Last-minute deals and short-term funding agreements have been used in recent years to keep the government…


OK at Work: How Businesses Can Avoid Lengthy and Expensive Legal Battles

On this week’s OK at Work, Sarah Sawyer and Russell Berger discuss proactive strategies for avoiding lengthy and expensive legal battles and what businesses should consider before filing suit. When pursuing a lawsuit, whether you have a winnable case is only one of many considerations. It is also important to assess things like collectability and…


The Maryland Department of Commerce Will Launch The License Application Assistance Reimbursement Grant in January 2024

The Cannabis Business Assistance Fund (“CBAF”) is a financing resource operated by the Maryland Department of Commerce (“DOC”) to provide grants and loans for small businesses, including small, minority-owned, and woman-owned businesses in entering the adult-use cannabis industry. Yesterday, the DOC announced the availability of the License Application Assistance Reimbursement Grant for eligible applicants who…


When an Ordinary Family Lawyer Isn’t Enough

There’s no such thing as an “ordinary” divorce. That being said, it’s fair to call some divorces extraordinary—for the extraordinary legal guidance they require. Imagine that you and your spouse have been together for 25 years. Together during that time, you’ve built a business, amassed a multimillion-dollar fortune, and invested in over a dozen ventures….


Have You Created Your Post-Divorce Budget?

Money is one of the most common reasons for divorce. It’s also frequently one of the greatest concerns after the divorce has been finalized. Depending on your situation, you may end your marriage with more or less in the bank than you had during the marriage. Perhaps you’ll be the one receiving alimony and/or child…


Whose Case Is It Anyway? – The Risk Of Hiring An Overly Aggressive Divorce Attorney

“Go for the jugular.” “Show no mercy!” “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” Face it, divorce often doesn’t bring out the best in people…and this need for vengeance can cloud a client’s point of view when it comes time to hire an attorney. No client wants a wallflower representing them and there is nothing…