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U.S. Businesses Push Back Against USCIS H-1B Petition Denials

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantThe demand for educated workers disproportionately exceeds the number of qualified workers in the U.S. To help relieve this disparity, Congress enacted the H-1B visa category for employers to hire temporary foreign workers in a “specialty occupation.” This specialty occupation requires the application of a…


Federal Workers Housing Relief Emergency Act of 2019

The DC Council passed emergency legislation entitled the “Federal Worker Housing Relief Emergency Act of 2019” unanimously, on January 22nd, 2019.


Friday Factoid Quiz: NFL Nicknames

Many NFL teams and players adopt and use nicknames that can be registered with the USPTO or otherwise protected.  In honor of Super Bowl LIII to be played on February 3, test your knowledge of these NFL-related nicknames…


Word to the Wise: Non-Compete Law Is Changing Nationwide

The last several years have witnessed significant shifts nationwide with respect to the ability of employers to restrict the mobility of employees. Federal non-compete reform efforts began in 2015 with the Mobility and Opportunity for Vulnerable Employees (or MOVE) Act.


Is THAT Legal? – Secret Handshake Edition

[quiz-cat id=”64175″] “Is THAT Legal?” shines a light on not-so-obvious statutory and/or regulatory laws the existence of which you might find surprising and serves to remind that consulting a knowledgeable legal advisor before acting might just help you avoid breaking a law you didn’t even know existed! . . . . If you have any questions or concerns,…


Offit Kurman Announces Collaboration with Cannabis Law Firm

After a busy 2018, the quickly expanding law firm Offit Kurman is forming a collaboration between its cannabis law practice and law firm Vicente Sederberg to better serve its clients entering new markets.


Read Delete: U.S. Venture Capital Reaches Dot-Com Era Level

Venture capital funding reached its highest level in 2018 since the boom in 2000. $99.48 billion was invested into venture capital deals last year. The current activity level of investments is being driven by large deals involving later-stage companies that have proven track records. $36.7 billion of the investments were attributed to internet companies.


The Weekly Scenario: Changing The Ownership Of My Retirement Plan

Question: Should I change the ownership of my retirement plan to my revocable (living) trust?​


CEOminutes: Meet Gary Garofalo – CEO of Harkins Builders

Gary Garofalo is the president and CEO of Harkins Builders, a construction management and preconstruction firm headquartered in Columbia, Maryland. Founded in 1965, Harkins is an employee-owned company, with values rooted in integrity, service, and community.


Offit Kurman’s M&A Group Represents Hockeypuk in Acquisition of Special Aerospace Security Services, Inc. and the National Security Training Institute

For attorney Michael Mercurio and the other members of Offit Kurman’s mergers and acquisitions (M&A) team, 2018 will go down in history. Last year, the group set a new record for the number of transactions successfully closed for clients in a 12-month period.