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The Weekly Scenario: Correcting An Excess Contribution and Regular IRA Contributions Limits

Question: What is the limit for regular IRA contributions and how do I correct an excess contribution?


Read Delete: Trends in U.S. Worker Cyber Risk-Aversion and Threat Preparedness

Due to increasing malware attacks and the soaring cost of resultant damages, Cybersecurity has come to centerstage. Its no surprise that cybersecurity is rising to be a top priority for companies across the world. Check out the top trends in Cyber-Security Risk Aversion, to see if you might be putting your company at risk for a cyber threat.


Like many professionals, particularly the lawyer type, I have a tendency to be “Type A.” With this comes the need to be a perfectionist. This can lead to additional stress and anxiety, because who doesn’t need that…


Saturday Side Hustle: What is “Natural”?

A recent market trend when food shopping is a greater increase in seeing words like “natural,” “100% natural,” “all natural,” or “made from natural ingredients” on food product packages. Even though nobody knows what that may mean (at least legally), they seem to like it. So…how does that work?


Child Custody Modification

In the State of Maryland, courts will modify existing child custody and visitation arrangements in accordance with the best interests of the child. However, they will only do so upon a showing of a materially changed circumstance reasonably believed to affect the child’s welfare…


Friday Factoid Quiz: Hearts, Chocolate and Flowers

Valentine’s Day will be here soon!!!  To honor the season of love, test your knowledge of these company logos associated with hearts, chocolate and flowers.


The Cannabusiness Key | Lessons from the Litigator: What Your Cannabis Business Formation Documents Should (and Shouldn’t) Say

Nichole Galvin, an attorney at Offit Kurman, will discuss the prenuptial steps that should be taken when forming a cannabis business, and what you can do now to protect yourself and your business in a corporate divorce.


Is THAT Legal – Bingo Playing Edition

“Is THAT Legal?” shines a light on not-so-obvious statutory and/or regulatory laws the existence of which you might find surprising and serves to remind that consulting a knowledgeable legal advisor before acting might just help you avoid breaking a law you didn’t even know existed! Test your knowledge with this short quiz today!


M&A Nugget: The Evolving NDA

What is the first agreement a purchaser and target should sign in the transaction process?  The Non-Disclosure Agreement, or NDA.  In its simplest form, the NDA protects confidential information that is exchanged from being used other than for purposes of evaluating the transaction.  Over time, NDAs have evolved and become more complicated…


Legalized Sports Betting In Your State? Not If, But When

Sports betting is a multi-billion-dollar industry. But outside of the casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, it has traditionally been run and controlled illegally by the criminal underworld or shady offshore enterprises. That all changed when the Supreme Court determined…