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Friday Factoid Quiz: Fairy Tales

ebruary 26th is National Fairy Tale Day!  When an original version of a legendary story is first published, the writer has created what can become a highly valuable work.  Although the copyright in an original published version of a fairy tale is limited to the creator’s words and/or images, others may freely create adaptions of this work after the copyright in the original work has expired.  To celebrate this occasion, test your knowledge of some of the world’s most famous fairy tales.


D.C. Council Passes Sports Betting Bill

On Tuesday February 19, 2019, the DC Council passed the Sports Wagering Lottery Amendment Act of 2018 (B 22-944), which permits retail, online and mobile sports gambling in the District. While the bill is subject to mayoral and Congressional review and approval, there were emergency measures also passed that will kick things into gear today.


Building the Wall: Suing Based on Eminent Domain

President Trump’s declaration of national emergency announced recently has specific legal consequences for landowners on the border. Under Eminent Domain law, the government can “take” private property for public use – but must provide landowners with just compensation. 


Maryland’s Minimum Wage Is Poised to Increase — Is Your Business Ready?

If your business has employees in Maryland, get ready to start issuing pay raises. The Maryland General Assembly is currently considering a bill that would steadily increase the state’s minimum wage by approximately 50% in four years. Maryland’s current minimum wage is $10.10 per hour, $2.85 higher than the federal minimum established by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).


Offit Kurman Attorney Seymour Stern Voted Best Lawyer in Frederick County

Readers of Frederick Magazine recently voted Offit Kurman attorney Seymour Stern the best lawyer in Frederick County, Maryland. Mr. Stern appears in the “Best of Frederick 2019” list in the magazine’s February issue.


The Weekly Scenario: Online Will Programs

Question: I’m interested in having a Will drawn up.  How good are the online Will programs?


Read Delete: The World’s Most Innovative Fintech Companies 2019

The world’s top fintech companies, otherwise known as companies that provide financial technology services, have two things in common: they are using technology to simplify financial transactions and because of that, they are getting a lot of attention from investors. The growth of the fintech market has seen a drastic increase over the last decade, with 39 of the top companies receiving more than $100 million in outside funding. 


Commemorating Sergeant Eddison Hermond’s Heroic Sacrifice in the Ellicott City Floods of 2018, Offit Kurman and Partners Contribute to Culinary Scholarship Fund

Months after National Guard Sgt. Eddison Hermond’s heroic death during the Ellicott City Flood, a group of business partners—along with help from Matt Stover and his Players Philanthropy Fund—have raised money from public donations to ensure the National Guardsman’s legacy lives on.


Saturday Side Hustle: Side Bar – Technology and Patents

You may be aware that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published guidance in the Federal Register on January 7, 2019 that relates to patentable subject matter in the tech space. If you have a tech business and have ever attempted to patent your technology in the United States, you have probably been told at least once by a patent examiner that your invention amounts to an “abstract idea” that is not patentable…


Proving the Source of Investment Funds for the E-2 Visa

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevantInvestors and entrepreneurs considering an E-2 Investor visa[1] must establish clear evidence on the source of their investment funds. Understanding the source of funds requirement and how to show a legitimate source of funds is crucial to preparing a successful E-2 case.[2] What is the…